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24th Jul 2006, 19:50
Oh my god oh my god oh my god

Just been offered a place at the NATS college and feel like I'm going to explode.

Will have to defer until March but they said that should be ok. I'm absolutely in dream land and can't wait to start.

The biggest thank you to everyone who's helped me from this forum both this year and last and controllers at BRS and West Drayton for being nothing but helpful - YOU ARE ALL STARS.


24th Jul 2006, 20:46
well done fella!!

congrats!! :D

24th Jul 2006, 21:16
Well done Ryan.

However, you need to start becoming far more cynical and apathetic. One detects far too much enthusiasm in your tone.


24th Jul 2006, 21:44
I do apologize Gonzo,
I'll do some serious thinking about bean counters during the night and wake up full of apathy.
Or, I could sit with an inane grin on my face

Barnaby the Bear
24th Jul 2006, 22:48
Now you just have to do the hard bit. . Congrats though, I remember that feeling well. :}

Quincy M.E.
25th Jul 2006, 08:00
Well done, I know just how you feel. :ok: I also had to defer a few months and now I am itching to start!

Nogbad the Bad
25th Jul 2006, 11:04
It's great to see someone with so much enthusiasm smelly - I wish you well.


25th Jul 2006, 11:16
Don't mean to go on about it but I'm still over the moon and far away about all of this. HR have confirmed I can defer and I'll be moving down to the south coast with Mrs Smelly in March 2007.
Lookin forward to the seaside and some clean air but most of all I'm looking forward to a career where going to work isn't a chore. I said it before on this forum that if you can enjoy your work it makes everything else in your life so much easier because there isn't that feeling of pressure on your free time to squeeze in ambitions, fun, relationships blah blah blah.
All in all I just cannot believe that something this good has happened to me. I look forward to spending more time on this forum and controlling some aircraft!!!!!!!

I promise to stop gushing now ;)

:D :D :D :D :D

Dances with Boffins
25th Jul 2006, 13:48
As you are bringing the Missus with you, PM me with any questions you may have about the local area/places to live/work/schools/kennels etc. I'm a bit of a lazy bastard but I'll try and help if I can.

25th Jul 2006, 14:59
Well done. Work hard. :ok:

25th Jul 2006, 18:25
Hmm...enthusiastic, grateful.......keen.......cheerful.......

How on earth did you get accepted as a potential air trafficker? :confused:

Oh, yes - just spotted what it was - you said you are absolutely in dreamland.... :E


P.s. Very well done - from a pilot! Standby for similar banter for the rest of your career :ok:

26th Jul 2006, 13:24
Good for you mate :ok: Go get 'em.

26th Jul 2006, 14:00
Well done mate! I just heard last week that ive been invited to take the initial tests next month. Im a long way from where you are in the application process but wiht a bit of luck i might be joining you next March if all goes well.

Best of luck!