View Full Version : Controlling a bumpy ride

16th Jul 2006, 15:33
When i was doing my training this morning there seemed to be alot of thermals hitting my aircraft causing me to bounce alot.
It kind of freaked me out a bit so i was wondering for you expert pilots out there. What is the best way to make your ride as smooth as possible through these, and tell me the best method.

Old Smokey
16th Jul 2006, 17:28
Fly the recommended turbulence penetration speed. If the AOM doesn't give you one, fly Va, the manoeuvreing speed limit.

Establish a pitch attitude and power setting that averages the desired altitude and airspeed. Allow the altitude and speed to vary in the gusts within safe limits. Intervene to control altitude and speed only when the variations become excessive.

Don't fight the aircraft, make your control and power changes smooth and positively, but NOT aggressively. Roll with the punches, again within safe limits, intervening only if the Altitude or Speed variation is excessive. (Lady pilots fly aircraft far better in turbulence in my experience, they're less prone to aggresively fight the aircraft).

If you're in controlled airspace, advise ATC of your speed and altitude variations, they may deem it necessary to provide greater separation with other aircraft.

Relax! The aircraft can take quite a pounding well beyond what you consider comfortable without any structural problems.


Old Smokey

A V 8
17th Jul 2006, 01:59
If airspace and cloudbase permits, climb to a higher altitude. You'd be amazed at the difference 1000' makes. You might not totally get rid of the bumps by doing this - but it'll make them less bumpy. Also look out for cumulus cloud and their dark flat bases. the thermals will be just under/just upwind of them.

Old Smokey is right though, it's not dangerous - just a little uncomfortable.

I would suggest taking a trip in a glider on a day with around 3-5/8 Cumulus cloud. It'll be bumpy - but for all the right reasons!