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View Full Version : 33 too old in Europe? Please don't move this post to wannabe section.. need help here

5th May 2001, 07:30
Please if you could.. allow this post in this section for a few days.. the help I need is from most pilots who don't go into the wannabe section.

1st.. thanks for the few great responses I got earlier...

I'm a pilot for a major in the usa... but I'm at a loss for giving advice to a very close german friend... he has his german ppl and is considering a career change at age 33. Before making such a large investment he would like to know his chances of actually finding a job (corp, regional, major, charter, etc) I would have no problem telling him to go for it in the states, but I'm unfamiliar with the current practice in Europe.. If he does continue... is the caa license the one to have, or with the new jar is it all the same... Thanks in advance for any response and help... Awesome website here.

Ignition Override
5th May 2001, 09:17
You will receive more helpful info on these sites if you include an e-mail address. Some folks don't want to help any foreigners, or allow anyone else to (even with no real chance of competition for the same job)-they will immediately try to nail your feet and hands onto the nearest cross. Some might give you useless or worse dis-information.

I met one German guy (from Essen) years ago who still lives here and decided that he could not afford the jump from instructing to the terrible regional FO pay, which was maybe no raise. And so, at age 35 with a wife and baby, for financial reasons (I'm told) he gave up his dream to be a pilot, and works in Flt Ops Admin for a very successful package airline.

5th May 2001, 09:17
Best get him to check out the regulations with the German Authorities as most countries now are JAR.
Some did have courses where you had to apply by a certain time and if you did this would grant you a "grand-father" right to a national licence....but as far as i'm aware
Ireland was the last loop hole and this is now closed. The only way is to go via JAR route through a school which is registered as a JAR approved training school.
He can as far as i'm aware building PIC time outside of a JAR state...but any time towards the grant of a rating/licence would not count if done outside the JAR region.
33yrs old.....have heard of guys getting hired as late on as 52yrs.....there's hope for all....but it takes alot of time....
Corporate flying in Europe is not as popular as it is in the US....the likes of Flex Jet from Florida are trying to move in...but the economies of various countries are really different hence making it harder to compete and FBO's are pretty much non-existant unlike the good service corporate guys get in the US.....that's all i have on the matter
Hope it helps.....