View Full Version : Specific Gravity Question?

27th Jun 2006, 17:48

I would like a clarification please.

1 USG = 6lbs - does this already take into account a SG of 0.72?

So for my calculations 34 USG = 204 lbs (34*6)

also is it correct to say 1 USG = 3.785 litres and therefore 34 USG = 128.69 litres?

(phew) Thank you in advance...

Gulf Julliet Papa
27th Jun 2006, 21:05
1 USG = 3.78L
3.78L x 0.72SG = 2.7216kg
2.7216kg = 6lbs

or 1USG = 6lbs!

So yes it does take into account the specific gravity

28th Jun 2006, 08:33
[Pedantic mode] Technically, it is incorrect to multipy volume by SG to determine weight. In reality however, the difference is so small for a/c-sized fuel volumes that it makes no practical difference. (quite a difference for VLCC's though :8 )

Assuming 1 USG = 6lb, then the density@15C of the fuel is 0.7201 and the SG@60F is 0.7203

[/Pedantic mode]