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18th Jun 2006, 16:54
I & several colleagues have been invited for a famil' day to Farnborough with the AAIB. Has anyone done the same? Was it interesting/worthwhile?

19th Jun 2006, 02:30
Go for it. Tho' I'm not sure whether you mean a familiarisation day or a family day? I visited there at the end of the last century and found it absolutely fascinating. I honestly believe that if every pilot-to-be was taken on a tour, the AAIB would have far fewer accidents to investigate.

Genghis the Engineer
24th Jul 2006, 16:54
Yes, and yes.


1st Aug 2006, 14:53

I am currently working as a Safety Enginner and was wondering about a job at the AAIB. Do vacancies ever come up?

Genghis the Engineer
1st Aug 2006, 16:49
I am currently working as a Safety Enginner and was wondering about a job at the AAIB. Do vacancies ever come up?

Occasionally, usually looking for CEng, probably a second degree, and ideally a fair bit of breadth of industry experience - particularly in design and/or ops. They like some flying experience as well. The jobs that come up most often seem to be in ADR reading and analysis.


2nd Aug 2006, 07:13
Hmm, thanks. Well, my degree is in Aero Eng, although it's my only one and I have a PPL. Any chance I could sneak in at the bottom of the structure as I'm still only 26?

Genghis the Engineer
2nd Aug 2006, 07:27
Hmm, thanks. Well, my degree is in Aero Eng, although it's my only one and I have a PPL. Any chance I could sneak in at the bottom of the structure as I'm still only 26?

It's always worth a try isn't it!, although I'd have thought that going for your CEng as early as possible may give you an advantage.


Mark 1
2nd Aug 2006, 12:22
They occasionally advertise for inspectors in 2 categories - engineering and operations. The ops post usually require previous experience as a senior airline pilot.

I applied for the engineering post a year or so ago (along with ~500 others) and have CEng, CPL, FI and aerospace engineering experience; but I didn't make the final cut.

Flight International classifieds are a likely place to find their ads.