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View Full Version : Antipodean, etc, Recruitment

Tosh McCaber
4th May 2001, 11:53
I constantly note threads mentioning that certain UK based airlines seem to hire up to 80% pilots in selection courses, from outside the UK and Europe. (One pre-qualification- ‘Must have an antipodean accent') Granted, these pilots may be more experienced than others in a particular selection. That would be OK, if they hailed from the EEU, and have JAA qualifications.

The excuse from the airlines is that our own pilot pool looking for employment do not have sufficient experience- however, is this not a situation of the airlines own making, in not setting funds aside to carry out a continual development and hiring/training process, to ensure that there is a constant progression of the development process from newly qualified, progressing to senior flying crew. Our Governments over the last few decades have done little to help either- to the extent of raking in up to £9000 on student pilot study costs- which other profession attracts VAT on training?

But surely, these foreign pilots must be here on a work permit? If so, presumably a temporary one? For how long? My friend, a UK qualified nurse is presently in Aus, is working as a nurse, to fund her travel experience. But she has no illusions that she will be able to stay after that year expires- that's when her work permit stops, and then she's kicked out.

In Bermuda, that small island in the Atlantic, one of our last Crown Colonies, a potential employer must prove that non- Bermudian, (even potential employees from Britain) are not taking work which can be carried out by a Bermudian. Even then ex patriots work on a year-to-year basis. This is to ensure fairness firstly to their own countrymen.

Surely our antipodean cousins are taking sorely needed jobs from European pilots- there certainly are more pilots looking for work from the airlines than there are jobs available.

Are these people working on a temporary work permit- it would hardly seem possible that airlines would hire on the basis of getting one year’s employment out of them? Whilst not wishing to sound overly protectionist, is it not crazy to employ ex patriots here, when there are ATPL qualified pilots in their hundreds looking for work? Under what legislation are these pilots allowed to work here?

[This message has been edited by Tosh McCaber (edited 04 May 2001).]

4th May 2001, 12:21
They're all Brits with funny accents, Tom, (ie, British passport holders or they have British 'right of abode' thanks to British parents or grandparents. This one's been done to death on earlier threads.