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View Full Version : PPL Renewal Query

Rote 8
6th Jun 2006, 09:18
Just a quick licence query. I have a JAR PPL that expires next month. However I also have a CPL that does not expire for a couple of years. I can see no good reason for renewing the PPL as I can obviously continue to exercise the privileges of the CPL and my class ratings are independent of the licence that I am using.
Can any of you foresee any other reasons why it might be advantageous to hold on to my PPL? Or any ways that I might disadvantage myself by allowing the PPL to expire?

6th Jun 2006, 17:09
I didn't think you were allowed to hold a JAR PPL and a JAR CPL at the same time in the first place :hmm:

7th Jun 2006, 03:38
No - you're not. The PPL became extinct when you were issued with the CPL.

You can have a NATIONAL licence and a JAA licence - but two of the same.

Rote 8
7th Jun 2006, 13:32
Strange one - are you guys sure? I was certainly unaware that my PPL was technically ‘extinct’ although I do not see that it matters to any particular extent. I cant really see any reason for this being the case however. The CAA certainly did not inform me that this was the case when I asked them the same question.

I am assuming that there are no advantages to trying to renew my PPL? Personally I can see none but I did not want to find out down the line that I have disadvantaged myself in some strange way.