View Full Version : Just In Case!

27th May 2006, 21:01
You never know when this will come in handy!!
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRITISH-ARMY-ATC-AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL-HELMET_W0QQitemZ6632994096QQcategoryZ36076QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewIt em

Ready Immediate
27th May 2006, 22:10
For those times we fall out of our chair laughing at what pilots say!!

bagpuss lives
27th May 2006, 22:35
Is helmet polishing in work a sackable offence?

PPRuNe Radar
28th May 2006, 07:42
A few posters on PPRuNe could do with one to prevent flak damage ;)

28th May 2006, 08:06
Yonks ago B Watch at Heathrow had a "funny hat" day. Various millinery arrangements were on show but one of the guys wore his ex-RAF bonedome, which he'd somehow wired up to a headset plug, and sat all afternoon wearing it. What any visitors must have thought is not documented!!

29th May 2006, 00:38
Size = Medium.

Bah, Point 7's head would never fit in it

29th May 2006, 08:47
This reminds me of the bad old days when my SATCO thought it would be a sound idea to cover the Visual Control Room with cam net during a NATO exercise!

That, and climbing under the console during an 'air attack' always used to make me laugh.

29th May 2006, 10:33
I though ALL ATCers had LARGE heads :E

29th May 2006, 12:55
Not the size, just what you do with it eh!? ;)