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spoilers yellow
3rd Apr 2006, 12:04
Think we didnt do an early out of moscow because of difficulties getting the dep slot from SVO, where we used to operate from.
We moved to DME, and I think it became visa and crew security issues that prevented a nightsop, however we are about to start a late night dep from LHR(around 2300hr) that will mean with a round trip that we will have an early dep from moscow!!

3rd Apr 2006, 15:12
Embedded Quote from the MT Article

'The two countries also approved new routes between Moscow and Birmingham and Liverpool:eek: Shurely shome kinda mishtake?
Do the Russians do April Fool's Day later than the UK?

If the UK DoT have agreed this without resolving the MAN-SVO-HKG CX rights they are bigger numpties than I thought.
Unless this is a ploy to get a couple of weak regional routes to Moscow that will fall flat on their face, thus 'proving' there's no demand outside London.
Interesting that BHX and LPL are two places that don't have connecting BMi flights from LHR whereas the two no-brainer Moscow-UK destinations of Manchester and Edinburgh DO have BMi connections to LHR. :hmm:
Er not that I'd use it by the way (?BMi via Heathrow that is) it will still be LH or CSA for me.

3rd Apr 2006, 15:31
BMI got the right to this route years ago, Virgin Atlantic won the right, but BMI objected and it was taken of VS and given to BD. But they never started the route. Good news if it comes of, but still think VS would have made a better go at it.

3rd Apr 2006, 15:48
It was BMI who objected to CX operating the route as they had the rites but had never flown it, seems they got their way in the end. Hopefully this will allow CX to fly HKG-SVO-MAN now.

3rd Apr 2006, 18:14

Excellent to hear that you reckon you and your colleagues have now developed a backbone.

Of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

So I expect to see your "brave new workforce" protect it's pension rights at no extra cost. That'll be in the very near future.

And I expect your "brave new workforce" to survive the debacle when MB washes his hands of whatever remains of bmi at some indeterminate time in the future. That may take a while, or not, who knows.

Nothing would please me more than to see the bmi workforce stand up for itself.

3rd Apr 2006, 18:31

Who the hell do you think you are? Let me assure you we are neither stupid nor unconcerned to what is going on.

Please go and play with the traffic and let the thread run without your sad and ignorant mumblings.


3rd Apr 2006, 19:22
Acbus1 that's below the belt. Get your facts right before posting such cr@p. This is being discussed on the private forum between the "stupid" employees.

Lexxity I 100% agree with you, people that post stupid rumours are not worth the air that they breath. I enjoy my job and yes I enjoy working for bmi, pity people don't understand what is actually going on behind there rumours.

How does another stupid bmi employee get into the private forum.

3rd Apr 2006, 19:32
And I expect your "brave new workforce" to survive the debacle when MB washes his hands of whatever remains of bmi at some indeterminate time in the future. That may take a while, or not, who knows.

If and probably when the Bish decides to get rid do you really think the employees wil get any say in what happens to them? It's still a private company, now enough bashing please and can we let the thread get back on track?

4th Apr 2006, 09:42
Yey! See! You can get aggressive if you try!

Now go find some management, quick, before it wears off.

Mod Kit
4th Apr 2006, 10:02
Have to agree with you INKJET. You obviously have a balanced view and understanding of the bmi position with regards to LH & SAS and the difficult operating position they placed bmi in.

On the other hand, ACBUS1 seems to hold an unbalanced and bitter view of the company and its employees. He/she must have a personal axe to grind, unlike the majority of us. We all have our problems - but deal with them and get on with life.

For every bitter and twisted comment posted here there are many more well wishers that do not wish to see the demise of bmi, bmi regional, bmi baby etc.

Although management changes have been many, the changes we see today HAVE to be made for the future success of the company, and I for one feel bmi are going down the right route. There is light at the end of the tunnel to coin an old phrase. PAX numbers will return. People vote with their feet, and when passengers see BA following the lead of some of bmi's initiatives, they will return.

Only time will tell - but during that time, bmi need all the support they can get. To restructure and compete in a volitile market is not an easy task and bmi is still a good company with the same issues many other companies have i.e. pension, expansion, direction.

I would not like to be in Mr Turners position - but if I were I would hope that my decisions, no matter how difficult they are to swallow, would be supported in the belief that they will turn the company round.

Kalium Chloride
4th Apr 2006, 10:08
Air Transport Intelligence reporting BMI p/t profit at 10m squid, op profit at 5.5m. Black but not that black IMHO.

4th Apr 2006, 11:48
Near 30% reduction in its overall debt level is not bad at all given difficult trading conditions. Plenty of airlines would dearly love to cut theirs by that much, and it appears to have been achieved without that old favourite - reduction of staff.

4th Apr 2006, 13:28
I wonder if income from sale of slots is counted in the turnover figures or the exceptional items?

You could reduce the group's net debt to zero if you flogged off all of the Heathrow slots in one go. I think they had sold two or three sets during 2005 so at a notional £10m each, that's between £20 and £30m to the bottom line. If my assumptions are indeed correct, the underlying operation has thus lost money.

Also bear in mind that it only contains August-December results (it is for 2005 calendar year) with the New Business Model in operation.

4th Apr 2006, 14:40
A welcome set of results if surprising.

But I am not an accountant so cannot comment on accounting methods.

Do these results already take into account the Lufti/SAS contributions?

Objective answers on a postcard, no slating for the sake of it please

4th Apr 2006, 14:47
Yes I believe they do. Logon to the bmi website/press releases and the Chairman`s comments imply the ECA contributions are included.
Glad to see we are on the road to recovery, although clearly there are plenty of challenges ahead.

4th Apr 2006, 14:53
Sorry, the comments were by the CEO in an internal memo, not by SMB.

Doors to Automatic
4th Apr 2006, 15:05
The results will include the substantial ECA contribution and exceptional items. God help them when the ECA ends and they run out of things to sell!

4th Apr 2006, 18:25
Glad to see bmi are now allowing economy passengers to choose their own seat on line now. Some positive news. (Not available for Tiny fares)

4th Apr 2006, 18:51
As far as I am led to believe or have been made aware, they can't sell the slots as they are not there's to sell and the slots are not included in an yearly figures.

4th Apr 2006, 19:01
What a load of claptrap. bmi's slots at Heathrow are its own and it has every right to enter into slot swap arrangements with other airlines to exchange them for worthless slots and then get a significant chunk of cash behind the scenes from the receiving airline for its troubles.

4th Apr 2006, 19:28
Hence me saying as far I had been led to believe, can't you read.

Mod Kit
5th Apr 2006, 14:06
Now that bmi have announced pre tax profit - where have all the nay sayers gone now. Seems to me that those of you who had bmi hung out to dry have been too busy eating humble pie.....

Hope it tastes good.

5th Apr 2006, 14:52
I make absolutely no apologies for saying that I still believe this is a business with fundamental problems. Having seen them sell two sets of Heathrow slots during 2005, the amount arising from that must be included somewhere in the P&L figures. At around £10m per pair, that's £20m and it more than wipes out any profit that bmi may have made during the last year.

If you add to that the new business model started in August 05 and thus the accounts only include five months of NBM instead of a full year - and the outward signs are that it is not working - then next year's results could be a very different story unless they keep selling slots.

And one last point. The Lufthansa and SAS loss-sharing agreement comes to an end this year. If you remove the contributions that LH and SK have made into bmi's revenues during 2005, what impact does that have on the P&L? I'm certain that it will make the situation for bmi far worse.

So, Mod Kit, still here - and still thinking that there is a huge mountain to climb for this company to have a chance in the long term.

5th Apr 2006, 15:05

May I ask which two slots and too whom were they sold?


max magic
5th Apr 2006, 16:19
lamina - slots i believe were sold to emirates, who now fly to dubai 5 times a day from LHR

Mod kit - Now that bmi have announced pre tax profit - where have all the nay sayers gone now. Seems to me that those of you who had bmi hung out to dry have been too busy eating humble pie.....

i dont think you understand the way bmi do business !!!
read flightriders post again !

Flightrider - spot on mate :ok:

5th Apr 2006, 17:05
Now that bmi have announced pre tax profit - where have all the nay sayers gone now. Seems to me that those of you who had bmi hung out to dry have been too busy eating humble pie.....

Hope it tastes good.

Mod Kit
Yes, better than expected and great to see it, but I find it disappointing that these figures have been glorified both by the company and press alike when they mask the true picture. These figures DO indeed take into account the substantial contribution made by Lufti/SAS. Take away this subsidy, and the figures would be much more worrying.

5th Apr 2006, 17:47
[QUOTE=Mod Kit]Now that bmi have announced pre tax profit - where have all the nay sayers gone now. Seems to me that those of you who had bmi hung out to dry have been too busy eating humble pie..... [QUOTE]

I have not seen the detail of these so cannot comment in detail. However, the fact that BD are now not permitting traffic figures to be published may provide some evidence of the way things are going.

Doors to Automatic
5th Apr 2006, 18:24
Flightrider has the situation well and truly summed up IMHO. Take away the "fudge factors" and all the spin and a very different story emerges.

6th Apr 2006, 08:09
Now that bmi have announced pre tax profit - where have all the nay sayers gone now. Seems to me that those of you who had bmi hung out to dry have been too busy eating humble pie.....

Hope it tastes good.

Hang on a sec

This pre-tax profit does not come anywhere near covering the losses incurred by bmi's partners on the european code share. That is reported to be running at £20M/year.

Take away the easy profit of their most profitable route (BHD) and it looks even worse. With Air Berlin moving in at BHD offering connecting flights it's not looking too rosy there either.

There will soon be a few more slots for sale to bolster up next years "Profits"

Mod Kit
6th Apr 2006, 09:08
My earlier posting has had the desired effect. I was tired of reading pointless postings about a company with no backbone and 'stupid employees'.

I agree with all the points raised since my outburst (which was equally incorrect) but at least there have been constructive points raised since, and seemingly from those of you who have a great deal more knowledge on the workings of bmi than I.

6th Apr 2006, 09:54
Mod kit

Think you will find, as so often is the case, that the truth lies somewhere between the optimists and the doom merchants. I don't think there are many who who foresee Midland in its present form 10 or even 5 years from now. But it is not just going to disappear overnight either. It is still a cash rich airline with a shrewd Chairman.

The only certainty in our industry is uncertainty.

6th Apr 2006, 10:01
It remains a viable business with cash and not to much debt, like wise the pension shortfall does not run into billion's. There are of course many problem left unsolved, but that applies to BA on it's shorthaul network, with just 20 months left to work or die.
According to BA, their shorthaul network out of LHR is breaking even at the moment. While not impressive, expect to see BA shorthaul profits to improve in the coming years. I don't expect BA shorthaul out of LHR to 'die'. Why? Firstly because BA's shorthaul network brings BA added value in terms of connecting traffic onto longhaul which makes BA the most profit. Secondly BA announced its two year business plan last month. In it the company expects to cut cost by £450 million over the two years in its quest to achieve a 10% operating margin accross the network. With BA already earning operating profits of £500+ million this year, you can expect much higher profits by 2008, with a better contribution by shorthaul.

6th Apr 2006, 19:07
By the looks of things, BA's pension problems should be resolved (in terms of coming to an agreement with unions) by this year. Here is the agreement:
If accepted, the pension deficit should be cut down significantly.
As for open skies, I think BA will be able to compete when it comes into operation. It looks like open skies will not mean BA giving up slots at LHR, therefore while all US airlines will be theoretically allowed to operate into LHR, it is doubtful they will be able to gain enough slots before 2010/11 (when mixed ops at LHR begin) to pose a significant threat to BA. Also if BA and AA are granted ATI (Anti Trust Immunity), which is dependent upon open skies, BA's US operations will be strengthened, making it and AA the airlines with greatest frequency and coverage to and from the US.
Once Open Skies has begun and BA have completed their move to T5, pensions and fleet renewal completed, you will see BA making its move in the process of European airline consolidation. Expect a AF/KL type merger or LH/LX takeover from BA for IB or AY.
I think BA has a bright future ahead. They are investing in new technology and onboard products like mad and taking the right steps to become a more efficient and lean business. Virgin Atlantic is another airline which seems to be focussed, but I am concerned about how VS will cope when Open Skies begins - while they have a great product, they don't have the slots to compete effectively or an alliance partner. For example BA has 7 daily LHR-JFK, 3 daily LHR-EWR and fellow partner AA has 5 daily LHR-JFK. VS on the other hand only has 3 daily LHR-JFK and 3 daily LHR-EWR. With US operations accounting for over 60/70% of revenue, the impact will be great. You can see why SRB and VS are keen to merge with BD.
As for BD, while Open Skies will allow them to operate US flights from LHR, where will they get the aircraft from? If they want to utilise their present aircraft of 3 A330s, it will mean BOM, RUH, ORD and JED will have to be sacrificed. If howver they do decide to place an order, how will they finance it with operating profits of £5m, which incidentally is being achieved with the help of LH/SK?
While it is great news that bmi reported a profit instead of a loss, there are still many obstacles ahead. I wish bmi and their staff all the best.

Big Kahuna Burger
6th Apr 2006, 20:25
BA is fast becoming a pension company that happens to own a few aircraft. It pension debt to market cap: is the worst in Europe. The pension short fall is more than 4 times BA worth.Viktor
What figures are you using Inkjet??? :confused:
Certainly not the same ones as everyone else. Look again.
(PS Great plagurising of the much lauded Pension fund which owns a few aircraft...:} )

7th Apr 2006, 21:55
Plagurising is no crime " Dan Brown 07/04/2006"


Skipness One Echo
8th Apr 2006, 14:53
Terminal 5 should see fewer of those precious bus drivers one would hope !!

8th Apr 2006, 15:31
bmi making a profit!

What excellent news!

Now they can wind their neck in about being unable to sustain the pension scheme, can't they. Hmm?

This assumes that the workforce don't commit hari-kari and simply give it away. :rolleyes:

Big Kahuna Burger
10th Apr 2006, 08:59
What figures are you using Inkjet??? :confused:
Certainly not the same ones as everyone else. Look again.
(PS Great plagurising of the much lauded Pension fund which owns a few aircraft...:} )


Once again, can you tell me what spurious figures you are using to make this claim. They are clearly factually incorrect. Please enlighten me.:hmm:

10th Apr 2006, 16:53
ABZ-AMS, launched just 2 weeks ago doesn't seem to be available for booking on the bmi web-site. Have they come to their senses or will it go live for booking at a later date?!

10th Apr 2006, 21:15
Avaliable to book and has been for a couple of months!

What do you mean " come to their senses", this route will make money just like the Groningen route from Aberdeen, thanks to guaranteed seat purchases.


Big Kahuna Burger
11th Apr 2006, 13:12
Once again, can you tell me what spurious figures you are using to make this claim. They are clearly factually incorrect. Please enlighten me.:hmm:


Ill try ONE FINAL TIME......

Please show me your mathmatical workings to prove your suggestion that.....

[BA's...] pension short fall is more than 4 times BA worth.Viktor

Im waiting.....

The Moo
12th Apr 2006, 20:02
And the Bmi crew are 100% about their pension are they ?????

alpha male
13th Apr 2006, 11:11
As this thread is about bmi, would it be possible for discussions about another company's pension arrangements to be carried on elsewhere?

13th Apr 2006, 11:23
A fair point, i will move the post elsewhere


14th Apr 2006, 06:23
And the Bmi crew are 100% about their pension are they ?????
Hope you aren't holding your breath, Moo. :rolleyes:

The outcome will speak for itself.

I know what it'll be.

I'll be back to say "I told you so."

Good luck with a happy old age, everyone at bmi. You'll need it unless you buck up.

22nd Apr 2006, 18:32
A lot of the speculation about bmi's future has been around VS but I wonder now that an openskies has been signed between Canada and UK whether AC would be interested in assuming some of the stakes in bmi.

When US/HP merged, both airlines weren't in great shape. AC pumped in $75 million which seemed like madness, but they have recently sold a portion of the stake at a price which recoups almost all the investment (http://charlotte.bizjournals.com/charlotte/stories/2006/04/10/daily19.html). With that stake came agreement for AC Maintenance to do work for US/HP and Aeroplan to manage the FF programme.

LHR is AC's largest overseas port (http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/April2006/21/c6552.html) (100 flights/week). Assuming Robert Milton could talk sense into MB (in a way LH and SK don't seem to have been), AC might gain similar concessions as at US/HP as well as bmi LHR slots for 5th freedom flights to Africa with their soon-to-arrive 777/787 fleet, a market they have no presence in but a lot of people in these parts visit.

22nd Apr 2006, 22:37

Be under no illusions MB does not do anything that does not suit him. Both SAS and LH (two pretty big companies no less) have failed with their own plans to invest in bmi (small fry) and got nothing but a cash cow, yet bmi has "survived" because of it?


22nd Apr 2006, 23:29
just flying a kite 6chimes :D

23rd Apr 2006, 19:50
That pretty well sums up bmi!;)

24th Apr 2006, 10:55
March stats for Heathrow routes. Still not looking too good.

ABERDEEN 17,112 19,051 (1,939) -10.2%
ALICANTE 5,706 9,129 (3,423) -37.5%
AMSTERDAM 46,882 45,029 1,853 4.1%
BELFAST CITY 59,059 62,624 (3,565) -5.7%
BRUSSELS 24,877 28,962 (4,085) -14.1%
DUBLIN 52,797 55,781 (2,984) -5.3%
DURHAM TV 10,784 15,715 (4,931) -31.4%
EDINBURGH 50,629 58,444 (7,815) -13.4%
GLASGOW 43,308 52,881 (9,573) -18.1%
HANOVER 8,328 11,940 (3,612) -30.3%
INVERNESS 3,680 4,838 (1,158) -23.9%
LEEDS BRADFORD 14,706 15,605 (899) -5.8%
LYON 2,943 2,943 #DIV/0!
MADRID 4,485 7,982 (3,497) -43.8%
MANCHESTER 33,407 44,106 (10,699) -24.3%
MILAN LINATE 1,996 6,712 (4,716) -70.3%
NAPLES 1,068 5,716 (4,648) -81.3%
NICE 3,241 6,909 (3,668) -53.1%
PALMA 5,794 6,838 (1,044) -15.3%
PARIS CDG 20,526 31,463 (10,937) -34.8%
VENICE 6,795 7,245 (450) -6.2%
TOTALS 418,123 496,970 (78,847) -15.9%

15th May 2006, 10:44
Hey There,

Can anyone out there tell me about who BMI Regional's target market is? Is it the business sector? BMI baby is the low cost subsidiary, but what is BMI Regional?

I have looked on their website and in Flight International. ;)


17th May 2006, 12:24
To be announced today (if it hasn't already been!), starting later this year with a E145.

I wonder how Scot Airways will cope with it?

Have to say Southampton could do with another decent airline to give the place some balance as it has become a bit too dependant on flybe IMO, so if successful, I would imagine BMI might look at other routes. We shall see.


17th May 2006, 12:27
4 daily Mon-Fri, 2 Sat, and 1 Sun

17th May 2006, 12:37
Be interesting to see if it actually starts like the 'planned' Luton - Brussels route!

17th May 2006, 14:36
interesting route is there enough business traffic or would it have been wiser to put baby in on a W pattern to catch the week-enders?????

17th May 2006, 15:34
BMI Regional have four ERJ aircraft based at Leeds Bradford, operating mainly Glasgow, Edinburgh, Paris and Brussels. They used to do Jersey but canned it a few months ago. I think it's safe to say they are mainly aimed at business passengers.

17th May 2006, 15:53
Ohh dear, what will they think of next! :ugh:

19th May 2006, 08:26
bmi regional's core business is still business passengers. bmi baby is the low cost division. bmi mainline is the LHR division. Rather confusingly since last summer most domestic routes out of LHR are single class offering baby fares. bmi mainline "pays" regional to fly its skinny routes out of LHR during the summer so that airbus's are released for charter work or to replace a broken baby 733. Regional also do summer charters to Sardinia/Corsica/Solvenia and the odd one for Man U and Chelsea. (very popular with the cabin crew strangely).

Confused? :confused: You should be.

My guess is after Sou-Ams, regional will start competing with flybe and bacon on the Sou - Man/Edi/Gla. I doubt if you'll see a baby 733 down there. Isn't BOH the airport of choice for low cost airlines in that neck of the woods?

19th May 2006, 20:35
This just has to be more of Nigel's madness. Why on earth do they believe that there is a market for C out of SOU when they have binned the C service from LHR - AMS? Obviously the 10000 people they surveyed all want C service from provincial airports but not from LHR :* :*

20th May 2006, 17:49
My guess is after Sou-Ams, regional will start competing with flybe and bacon on the Sou - Man/Edi/Gla. I doubt if you'll see a baby 733 down there.

It would be commercial suicide for BMI Regional to start SOUMAN/GLAor EDI let alone AMS but hey when has that stopped them in recent years. They have neither the right equipment nor low enough costs to be able to make any of the routes pay from SOU. The cost of opening a single aircraft base at an already congested airport seems crazy but we'll see. As with others on this forum, I cetainly believe that SOUAMS could go in the same direction as EDIMUC and LTNBRU. Its just a matter of time...surely.

20th May 2006, 19:21
Doubt if there is room for another carrier there. Everyone has to backtrack on the single runway there.

Nice staff, though, and they do try hard down there.

22nd May 2006, 00:29
Regional have not made that many mistakes recently in deciding routes, they might of seemed strange to begin with but have nearly always been successfull. And they are the most profitable sector in the bmi group, that must stand for something.


22nd May 2006, 10:40

Errr...lets have a look at the only recent route decisions made:

Luton-Brussels axed before it started

Edinburgh-Munich axed before it started

Leeds - Jersey reduced to several times weekly then axed due to surprising loss of business pax

The only other route I can think of in the last few years they have started was Norwich - Aberdeen which is in competition with two other carriers!

Name me a sensible route decision they have made "recently"?!?

Richard Taylor
22nd May 2006, 10:45

Doors to Automatic
22nd May 2006, 15:08
Hey There,
Can anyone out there tell me about who BMI Regional's target market is? Airmiles

Thats a good question - I don't think anyone knows. Ditto Baby; ditto mainline; ditto long-haul :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

22nd May 2006, 15:50
why is everyone finding it hard to answer something so simple??

"Hey There,
Can anyone out there tell me about who BMI Regional's target market is?"
answer - well seeing as they offer a two class product one would kind of think it would be the business class pax - thus meaning pax that travel for work with companies that want that extra product for their staff and are prepared to pay it because it is worth it - which bmi regional has proven to offer.

hmm not hard is it flightrider, you seem to have got stuck behind a wall - god knows why! :rolleyes:
and just for you too.....

baby - do i really need too??? bmibaby's target market is perfect - leisure travel or business travel. As bmibaby has proven time and time again, you can either travel for business or leisure on baby due to the destinations we fly - an example being ams/cdg/edi/gla/bfs - all business destinations but also leisure when you consider euro disney and weekends away. And before anyone points it out, the reason why baby was born into ema was because of GO and also the business class product on the bmi mainline routes was no longer selling well, the pax/companies were not prepared to pay the prices for business travel when they could choose an alternative airline with roughly same frequency but with much lower prices. Now all this depends on the route, i.e. it was proven that baby was not succesfull on the ema-bru due to the pax/companies wanting that business class product, hence the decision for bmi regional to take over the route.

Its important to know what the demand is for each route and the product that the pax/companies require. You can then decide what approach to take - and in bmi's case its good because they can choose between regional and baby. If they think that a business class product will sell, give it too bmi regional. If they think people love going to that destination at cheap prices and are paying themselves you would think baby would be best.
Now seeing that ive wrote alot and the original question was about regional's target market i think i will stop here......

regards and views from


22nd May 2006, 19:36
Re the Luton BRU and other non-starters, consider the commercial expediency of smoke and mirrors...;)

22nd May 2006, 22:18
My point was meant as means to stop the thread from becoming another bmi bashing and for you to use and open mind. bmi regional are doing very, very well right now and their management are quite savvy........we could do with them at mainline, baby and longhaul.


24th May 2006, 11:50
Thats a good question - I don't think anyone knows. Ditto Baby; ditto mainline; ditto long-haul :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

It could have been so simple.

bmi regional-tradtional service concept from regional airports to major and secondary europenan cities. (I think it does this to a large extent)

bmi baby - low cost services from regional airports to leisure destinations around europe.(again pretty much as advertised-but doent really have a purpose since mainline offered tiny fares)

bmi mainline-this is where it gets confusing.....apparently a high sevice standard from LHR to major European cities...but its bloddy confusing.
perhaps it would be simpler if they did the folowing....
* first few row or two could offer a business class, surely most of bmis routes from LHR could cope with this?
* next dozen rows offer a 'tradtional' economy service, just like it used to be...again pretty likely to sell from LHR
* remaining rows sold at Tiny fares to people who are mad enough to look for low fares from LHR...
now its nice and simple....you know what it is your paying for, and exactly what it is your likely to recieve.

longhaul is a real mess, Id put the A330s back up to Manchester on established routes...after all BMI does stand for British Midland, even if its not on the side of the planes anymore. Who will think of long haul BMI from LHR?

Eventually it would make sense to dump Baby, it just dosent fit, and shack up with Virgin, they would fit well together.

24th May 2006, 12:25
Since you guys seem to know quite a lot here.. Can you tell me how many employees BMI Regional has. I know on the website it says 4077, but that is Regional and Mainline. How many do Regional have approximately?

Airmiles :ok:

24th May 2006, 12:28
...after all BMI does stand for British Midland, even if its not on the side of the planes anymore. Who will think of long haul BMI from LHR?

That's RIGHT. Move 'em back to EMA where they belong. And while we're at it, get QF (Queensland and Northern Territorial Aerial Services) to retrench to Brisbane and Darwin


24th May 2006, 22:18
Since you guys seem to know quite a lot here.. Can you tell me how many employees BMI Regional has. I know on the website it says 4077, but that is Regional and Mainline. How many do Regional have approximately?
Airmiles :ok:

4077 is made up of bmi, baby and regional. IIRC there are about 200-250 regional employees.


CarltonBrowne the FO
25th May 2006, 11:25
I'm not sure what the total number of bmi regional employees is, but there are about 170 pilots, I'm guessing about 150 cabin crew. There are also office staff in Aberdeen and an engineering base there, but many of the other admin and support functions are carried out collectively for the bmi group so it's hard to be exact. My estimate for bmi regional staff would be around 500 but I could be out by about 100 either way...

25th May 2006, 15:53

26th May 2006, 01:14
A six-day air service to the Western Isles is to be scrapped because not enough people are using it.
Bmi regional provides the only jet- engined aircraft on a route linking Stornoway with Edinburgh.
It said the service, launched less than four years ago, was not economically viable and would stop on 29 July.
Fewer than 17,000 people-a-year are believed to have been using the service, which is served by a 50-seat jet aircraft.
In a statement, bmi regional said: "Despite offering very low fares, insufficient passenger volumes combined with increasing fuel costs means that this route is no longer viable.

Hotel Mode
26th May 2006, 03:08
Small point but a 50 seat aircraft 6 days per week is only 15700 seats ish per year, so less that 17000 seems like a great load factor!

26th May 2006, 06:23
31400 actually.........

Whch is a pretty duff loadfactor and we don't even know if fares covered even marginal operating costs.

tongue n'groove
27th May 2006, 22:41
Cheaper for me to fly to New York tommorrow than to visit my mum in the Western Isles .. no such thing as a cheap flight form LHR to SYY unless you book light years in advance !!!.. however the competition with BA/Loganair made it marginally cheaper than normal. Sad to see you go BMI

31st May 2006, 14:57
where will bmi fly next?

moscow already announced from LHR

They have said Damman maybe on the horizions

What about Columbo/Goa?

Runway 31
31st May 2006, 18:05
6 flights per week= 6 return journeys =12 flights so you need to double up on the seats available.

7th Jun 2006, 22:20
Can anyone tell me why bmi is not showing their pax figures for April in the latest release from airlines of europe! go to www.aea.be (http://www.aea.be) are bmi too embarassed to show them??????

Count von Altibar
7th Jun 2006, 22:40
Correct & right!