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8th May 2006, 09:35
Hello,a young friend of mine has just been offered his first job,only problem is that his IR expires a couple of weeks before the start of the course,is this a requirment?im thinking that the final LPC in the sim counts as a IR renewal?!if anyone has got any info would be great!


8th May 2006, 10:18
Hi lgw Warrior

The answer to that question is Yes he does need a valid IR in order to start the type rating. That is one of the requirements which must be fulfilled in order to enrol on the course. The LST which he will then do as part of the TR will be a Multi pilot IR and is not the same as what your friend currently holds, which I assume is a single crew ME/IR.

I am pretty sure this is correct (as Flight Safety stipulated this when I did my TR with them) but if you want to be absolutely sure contact the CAA but my advise would be to go get it done before the course.

Alternatively just ask the company who is recruiting him, they should know the answer.


Delta Wun-Wun
8th May 2006, 10:48
He does need a valid M/E IR to start the type rating, however he can re-new it in the sim as it`s the IR bit he needs, not the multi-engine piston rating. Means should only cost approx £120- £200 instead of hiring a twin at approx £370- £500.

Say again s l o w l y
8th May 2006, 11:12
There's a big difference between valid and current.

Valid means that you have one and even though it may not be current it is still within the time period for revalidation rather than starting from scratch.

When I did my first MPA type rating, my IR had lapsed a few months before, but it was still valid.

8th May 2006, 12:35
t/r and IR are bonded...

"an applicant for the revalidation of an IR when combined with a class rating or a t/r shall complete a prof. check in accordance with...etc etc...in this case the instrument rating will be valid for the same period as the class or t/r except in the case of single engine,..."

once again, the IR you hold is only good for single pilot aircraft. so even valid, it is totally useless on a big jet.
Your school sold you a useless training as you are going to learn to fly Instrument in the sim!!!.

8th May 2006, 12:48
Bare in mind no one would even look atyou unless you had a SPA-ME-IR hence ( f ) ATPL. Therefore its not totally useless and to say so as down right idiotic.

8th May 2006, 13:43
My IR had lapsed a few months priot to starting type rating with an airline too..it's not required to be current, you just need to have held one in the passed 5 years.

8th May 2006, 15:12
This is what Lasors says for Multi-pilot Aeroplane type rating

Pre-requisite conditions for training

An applicant for the first type rating for an MPA shall provide evidence that the following requirements have been met:-

a) have completed at least 100 hours as pilot-in-command of areoplanes

b) hold a current and valid multi-engine instrument rating (aeroplanes)This is only a requirement for an initial MPA type rating and not subsequent type ratings;

c) is about MCC

d) is about having passed ATPL's

So I think it is fair to say for your 1st type rating you need both a valid and current IR.

8th May 2006, 15:41
Yeh to APPLY for a type rating you need a current IR, but you do an IR during your type rating, which is before you APPLY.

8th May 2006, 16:54
Listen to IMC007 since he has the quite clear, published facts to hand...

Note it says "prerequisites for training" NOT "prerequisites for application".

8th May 2006, 17:02

Yes as part of your TR you will also get another IR but this IR is a Multi Pilot IR and can only be used in two crew operations, you can't get into your Seneca and fly IMC with a MPA IR.

The pre-requite requires one to have a current and valid Multi engine IR (single crew) before you start the course.

8th May 2006, 17:56
I gave a call to a school recently, and they told me in 1-2 hours they can renew a IR before the simulator.I think it is not unusual to see guys with expired IR.

8th May 2006, 18:13
Guy's, OBK is quite correct in what he says.
I was in the situation where my IR had lapsed ( by at least 2 months) before i commenced my type rating course, however the requirement is to have held it within the last 5 years. ie. the IR is VALID but not CURRENT.

nick p
8th May 2006, 20:03
Is is prudent to keep your MEP/IR current,as both of mine have lapsed by a couple of months.I figured,if i get a letter saying to come for an interview then i'd get it done the weekend before hand.
I know you should,just in case,just thought i'd get a general consensus.

9th May 2006, 11:15
Definately keep your ratings current when applying for jobs.
However, once a job offer is on the table, it depends whether the company requires you to keep things current until starting your type rating course.

9th May 2006, 13:39
It is a good idea to be in current instrument flying practice anyway prior to starting your type rating. The candidate is going to be expected to know how to fly a non-precision approach, fly holds etc. and to have a reasonable scan. It would be a good idea to renew it and to do some additional practice at the same time....

9th May 2006, 15:03
Finances permitting of course!

9th May 2006, 15:39
I think that the confusion here arises from the fact that JAR-FCL states that the rating only needs to be valid, whereas LASORS states that it should also be current. Personally, I wouldn't take the risk that I might end up down at the CAA arguing the merits of JAR-FCL versus their own publication, LASORS. 99% of the time it'd be fine I'm sure...

9th May 2006, 20:16
lgw warrior
this mate of yours wouldnt be a certain northern monkey junior?

mange tout!

10th May 2006, 12:10
biminiflyer,quite possibly!

beers at the weekend?

10th May 2006, 12:53
I actually did what perhaps was the sensible thing to do regarding this very question only a couple of weeks ago. I am doing a type rating at present and my IR is due for Renewal on the 31st May, so I called the CAA and asked them, directly.

The CAA Stated that your IR needs to be CURRENT and VALID at the time / date that you START your Type rating training, but does not need to be CURRENT at the time of application to have the type rating added to your licence. This applies to the first type rating only.

10th May 2006, 13:20
Thank you Cutoff, now maybe some people will start believing what has already been posted here before!

11th May 2006, 17:45
I have a question on this issue, what if I have a JAA licence, currently flying in Africa, and I'm about to do a Dash8 type? So in otherwords, I have a non current JAA IR(obtained in 2004), Valid JAA CPL, current IR in the country I'm flying in and I wish to do a JAA dash8 type? Where does that leave me in the grand scheme of things? Thoughts much appreciated.


12th May 2006, 06:47
Call the CAA, they will answer your question and then it is definitive.

12th May 2006, 19:03
I have a valid A300-600 type rating.But have not flown in almost 14 months.Have long can I keep this rating valid(not current)?. I know in GB for five years what about in other JAR countries?