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View Full Version : Opening doors disembarking

5th May 2006, 20:49
I hope this is in the correct forum, but it does involve a question regarding general flight safety.

At what point is the responsibility of the aircraft and passengers relieved over to the ground staff.
I appreciate the captain has overall responsibility from when the passengers board the aircraft, and for the duraiton of the flight, but when is responsibility handed over.
Is there a form to sign when the cabin doors are opened, between the flight crew and ground staff??

At bit of a strange one, but as a training (low hours) pilot, one that has made me think.
replies would be much appreciated


5th May 2006, 21:58
I am by no means a expert, however i would say it is from when a passenger steps onto the aircraft through the door, and out of the door.

Or maybe when the passenger enters the jetty/ airbridge or steps on the steps attached to the aircraft, as this are attached to the aircraft the captain must have some say / responsabilty to the aircraft etc.

Hmm maybe someone could correct me.


5th May 2006, 22:42
No forms signed or any of that nonsense. Quite simply, the airline has responsibility for the passengers whilst they are under its control. The stairs or jetty will be attached by either airline staff, handling agents or airport staff. When mutually agreed between them and the cabin crew that disembarkation can commence down stairs or into jetty, then no great changes in responsibility occur. Whoever causes an accident will be liable. The pilots will be busy letting the tension out of the elastic on the flight deck. It's an academic question.