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View Full Version : What if you don't get on with your pilot?

Dr Illitout
9th Apr 2006, 06:37
Just a serious question inspired from Jetblast.
When you work for a large airline the chances are you will get a different pilot or co pilot every day. What happens if you don't like one of them? I'm not talking about you think they are dangerous,You just don't get on. Is there a way you can request not to fly with them again? On short haul I don't suppose it matters but if you have to go to Aus with a bloke who gives you the hump that could be miserable!

Rgds Dr I

Capt Claret
9th Apr 2006, 06:57
Imagine the rostering nighmare if even 1/4 of pilots requested not to fly with another particular individual, simply because they don' like said individual.

As professional pilots we should be able to fly with some one we don't like, in all but the most extenuating circumstances.

Old Smokey
9th Apr 2006, 13:46
To what Capt Claret said, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, and ditto.

You mentioned a large airline Dr Illitout, imagine the rostering nighmare if even 1% of pilots requested not to fly with another particular individual. My largish airline employs 1,888 pilots, a 1% incompatibility rate would make 18 major headaches for the rostering section each month - intolerable! :*

In all walks of life we have to learn to acommodate the occasional a$$hole, learn some people handling skills. (If you want a crash course in handling incorrigible people, I'll PM you my wife's address and you can stay with her for a while, after that your airline butt-heads will seem like saints).:ok:


Old Smokey

9th Apr 2006, 20:31
First Officer:
Ah Captain, do you have to smoke those stinky cigars?

Guess what Lee, the DFO smokes the same darn brand, and in fact I have a box of the best Cubans in my bag, for him personally...any problems?

First Officer:
Where is mine? Gosh, it sure smells good!

Flight Engineer:
I want one too, no need to be left out.

Scene: Everyone puffing away, and soon we are joined by the cabin chief and the Purser, as well.

Ahhhh, the good 'ole days at SQ, indeed where 'reverse thrust' was not frowned on, either.:E