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7th Apr 2006, 15:40
Tuesday 4 April 1830local
Coventry Area

Running the gambit of trying to get across coventry atz, vmc, one airliner in distant pattern.
I managed - just, but poor old G-NN (Enstrom I think) was instructed to hold north, and hold, and hold, and hold......
Despite being visual with the world, he was still held clear, and where was the airliner? Yet to capture the ILS - far in the distance........
G-NN should be good at orbits by now.

To think that EGBC want an increased zone/atc - happy days
Even when you're outside of their atz, atc still want you to change heading/hold etc - airliner company need reprimanding if such low-level traffic is deemed a problem - Duty of Care blah blah, fare-paying passengers outside of cas blah blah.......

Pilot of G-NN - we felt for you because we knew it could so easily have been us!!!!

7th Apr 2006, 15:59
I think you might like to look here:


You were obviously mistaken, I have been assured that sort of thing just doesn't happen...

7th Apr 2006, 17:25
Coventry had me on a "tour de Warwickshire" a couple of weeks ago because of landing traffic.

It's class G airspace, and just encourages people NOT to call them.

7th Apr 2006, 17:38
Ah...the joys of dealing with Coventry! Helps to have an Aux fuel tank sometimes. Then if there are "two" aircraft in the area....get out the cards for a game of Canasta. But what the heck....considering the landing fee price...you ought to get solicitous handling.

Jed A1
7th Apr 2006, 18:42
There's only one Enstrom on G-INFO ending NN and I bought it over four years ago.

I very much hope that it was nowhere near EGBC earlier in the week. I must admit that I've not actually seen the machine this week buit it "should be" 4,500 miles away from the UK!

Letsby Avenue
7th Apr 2006, 19:04
Try EGBE...

8th Apr 2006, 09:40
Sorry, egbc was the other week!
There's my sub-concious EG Birmingham Coventry rather than the obvious EGBE.:ugh:

That link to the other post just rang more bells......
Concur with atc trying to vector glass G traffic...whatever next - you'll be charged for flying past a VOR next..............

Bertie Thruster
8th Apr 2006, 10:08
Dial em up but dont speak as you whizz past. Then listen to what they say about you!

8th Apr 2006, 18:54
Interesting post. Hadn't seen the link from ShyTorque before but on looking at it, Genghis's experience from Coventry virtually mirrored one of my own last year.

Flew in to park for a couple of hours for a local meeting, absolutely no help from ATC with parking, total confusion as to where I should shut down. Then on returning waited 15 minutes rotors running to try and get any response from Tower and try and depart, despite booking out properly etc. Eventually had to get forceful on the RT to get out of the bloody place. And no NOTAMs were in force or extraordinary activities in place. In over 20 years of flying I have never experienced such appallingly unprofessional, time wasting, customer uncaring treatment from an airport ATC. I thought it must have been a freak but clearly not.

With such an attitude (and/or hopelessly inadequate ATC resources) the recent proposal for its own CTZ/CTA fills me full of horror. Coventry - if you're listening you really do need to address what do not seem isolated experiences, and even then they should never have happened.

sandy helmet
8th Apr 2006, 21:35

You wouldn't have had that somewhere in the southern Caribbean, would you? And would you be the same guy that accompanied me to HAI about 3 years ago?

Jed A1
9th Apr 2006, 02:54

Spot on.

Next year??

sandy helmet
9th Apr 2006, 03:49
Yes, buddy
Ready to rumble!!!!!!

9th Apr 2006, 06:00
Looks like Jed A1 and Sandy Helmet are going to be picking out curtains...

Maybe you should get a room!:D

9th Apr 2006, 08:48
Know the feeling!!..I trained at Coventry.
The Thomson jets seem to always get priority even to the extent of being told to make orbits when the jet in question is still ten miles or more away:(

9th Apr 2006, 15:04
I was the pilot of the Enstrom last Tuesday evening. The callsign is G-HH. We were indeed held for quite some time. The irony is that we decided to fly through the Coventry overhead to save time!!

9th Apr 2006, 17:03
Glad to hear that you got home!
Could not believe the treatment you got - oh yes I can because it was Coventry!!!!!

9th Apr 2006, 17:50
Trust you to get your EGBEG'S & your HH - NN's all muddled EESDL must be that schooling you had in Gods Own Country.

Luv U Really