View Full Version : NATS TATC course - Reading material?

BA Baracus
6th Apr 2006, 09:41
Was just wondering if anyone (possibly someone currently at or recently through CATC) would be able to tell me which books I would find useful to read in preparation for my Sept 06 course start date (providing I pass the medical & security checks in the coming weeks)?

Don't want to read too much too soon, but given my lack of an avaition background, I would just rather hit the ground running come sept with a spot of intermittent 'light' reading.

So far I've read the latest ABC offering from graham duke and have the latest Janes recognition guide. I am currently trying to track down copies of A Laymans Guide (Graves), Fundamentals of ATC (Nolan), Air Traffic Control (Gilbert). Any other suggestions would be very much appreciated - ie. stuff on Meteorology or any other specific subjects taught at the college?


6th Apr 2006, 10:25
Check yer PMs!!

Dances with Boffins
6th Apr 2006, 10:28
Have at least a cursory glance at an atlas. You would be amazed at how many trainee ATCOs have no idea which way a flight to [for instance] The Azores will depart UK airspace. For that matter, find out which end of this country places like Nottingham or Aberdeen actually sit.
[Wanders off muttering to self about "British education system...]

7th Apr 2006, 08:42

Erase that word from your vocabulary. One mention of it, the hidden microphones at Hurn will record it and it becomes your posting. You have been warned :} .

7th Apr 2006, 09:01
Erase that word from your vocabulary. One mention of it, the hidden microphones at Hurn will record it and it becomes your posting. You have been warned :} .

ah but ya see.... its THE place to be. Best kept secret in the company!

back to the original question....
You could do a lot worse than skim reading the MATS part 1 section 1. No need to understand it fully at this point by any means but as u say, when its mentioned in a lecture it might spark a distant memory of reading something somewhere....
go have a look



Roni f
24th Apr 2006, 23:29
i am currently at the college and a working knowledge of the mats part 1 section 1 would more then help you as would a skim over section 5 "emergency procedures". As for met you could do a lot worse than the air pilots manual 2 page 189 onwards, Dont take to much notice of law at the start as parts of itare now out of date. i would also stronglyadvise you start to get a working knowledge of the R/T phraseology and the air space within the UK ie classifications.


Bern Oulli
25th Apr 2006, 17:10
DwB. Nothing changes then?

Dances with Boffins
26th Apr 2006, 11:47
Berni - they change alright, just not in a good way...:{