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View Full Version : Airbus FMGS question

5th Apr 2006, 10:51
Hi all, can anyone answer this?
If you make a lateral revision on the flight plan page, you are presented with various options. One of these option is this;
[ ] / [ ] / [ ]
What on earth does it mean?

5th Apr 2006, 11:02
This prompt allows you to create a lattitude/lontitude crossing point.
INCR= ranges from 1 to 20°
NO= number of crossing points ( 1 to 99)

This is especially used in polar navigation, atlantic crossings etc for position reporting....

For example you want to have a point every degree from lattitude N48° and you want a total of 10 points

You have to write N48/1/10

Insert it with the R2 key

on flight plan insert it with R6 key

These points are not considered as part of the pilot defined elements /flight plan and the FMGS will erase them once sequenced.

( thanks god for FCOM4 :-) )

5th Apr 2006, 11:38
Not a function I'm likely to use around europe then.

Thanks for the speedy reply.

5th Apr 2006, 17:49
FCOM 4.3.25 has the answer.