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View Full Version : CAA PPL Re-valdiation

4th Apr 2006, 21:56
My PPL was issued in DEC99. The nice bit of paper says it is valid for the holder's lifetime. The Certificate of Experience expired in DEC01. Due to various reasons ( mostly financial ) over the years, I wasn't able to keep it current.

I am keen now to get back to flying and to get my PPL re-validated.

I understand that I will need to re-take the skills test after a suitable period of re-training.

What other elements of the PPL syllabus will I need to re-take - ground exams, Nav Test?


4th Apr 2006, 22:19
It's not the PPL you need to renew, it's the SEP(L) rating. LASORS section F1.5 refers, but briefly: enough training to pass the Skill Test and pass the Skill Test itself. Get it done before Dec 06 though or you will have to send it to the CAA with the attendant financial penalty.
N.B. Nav test is now part of the Skill Test. Read http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/SRG_FCL_19_A.PDF (2.5 Mb PDF file).

Say again s l o w l y
4th Apr 2006, 22:48
I've done a few of these in the last year, unfortunately it'll become less common with the advent of a 5 year life span on licences now.

All as DB6 mentions, it's just about sufficient training to get you up to speed and then just the SEP skills test. Obviously we can't tell you exactly what you need to do, but budget on around 15 hrs flying. It's amazing how much you forget even in a small period of time!

No ground school to redo, the only thing that might have been a problem would be your R/T licence.

4th Apr 2006, 23:00
Wrong reference - it is not the PPL Skill Test GLGNDB will have to re-take, it is the SEP Class Rating renewal LST. Main difference is a lesser amount of visual navigation.

No requirement for any exams - and the FRTOL will be fine as it's less than 10 years since it was last used.

4th Apr 2006, 23:10
Thank you all for the advice.

Paris Dakar
5th Apr 2006, 08:11

If it's any help, I was in exactly the same position as you last year.

BEagle is right, because your licence is a 'CAA' one it doesn't expire but your SEP rating needs to be renewed. My 'renewal' was similar to a mini 'old style GFT' - plot a route, fly said route, divert to new location and provide revised ETA's and headings, did some upper air work, a couple of PFLs, back to the circuit for some T&Gs (with EFATO) and that was pretty much it.


5th Apr 2006, 08:13
BEags, reference (F1.5) is for SEP(L), however I agree it is not the PPL skill test but the LST. That said, after 4 years I would be looking at effectively the full skill test, hence the link (I wish more candidates would read it!).

5th Apr 2006, 10:37
The navigation element of the LST requires discretion from the FE, who should take the pilot's recent experience into account.

Paradoxically, someone who hasn't flown for 4-ish years is more likely to have received recent refresher training than someone who is a few months out of date and who had done nothing more than a few £100 cup of coffee trips in the previous couple of years.

But if your test includes more than the LST specifices, you lay yourself open to Regulation 6 action.

I was asked about an LST for this sort of thing by a fellow FE recently. He had been quite satisfied with a 20 min navigation sector from the applicant - because the applicant had flown several dual navigation trips in the previous fortnight's refresher training.

I certainly wouldn't expect to fly the entire PPL Skill Test for a SEP Class Rating renewal.