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View Full Version : PPL issue cost

24th Mar 2006, 15:51
Hey again - Quick one here..... how much do the CAA charge for the issuing of a new PPL?

Just about to send off the application form but they fail to let you know.....


24th Mar 2006, 16:02
This should help...

A bargain at £159!!



25th Mar 2006, 10:49
and I assume that the gold bonded envelope is included? :ugh:

25th Mar 2006, 16:05
No, just a **** coloured, cheap and nasty licence holder to keep it in.

26th Mar 2006, 20:56
I can't find any information on the CAA website, but I was wondering if I camped out at Gatwick for a day if it was possible to issue a new PPL on the spot? I am training out of the UK and may not be able to get instructor sign off to fly when I return.
I wanted to avoid the six week wait for lisence issue if possible, so that I can fly in the interim and get used to UK airspace and RT without getting too rusty.
Does anyone know if this is possible or have any relevent experience?
Thanks. :ok:

26th Mar 2006, 21:35
the CAA won't issue a licence on the same day as application. this is the true for PPL, CPL and ATPL licences.
nothing much you can do except wait.

26th Mar 2006, 21:56
Does anyone know if this is possible or have any relevent experience?
Didn't 'TheKentishFledgling' do this when he turned 17? You out there Ed? :)

27th Mar 2006, 06:01
CAA PLD aims to get new licences out within 10 days of receiving an application. Assuming, that it, there are no errors in your application.

You can fly (but not take passengers) whilst waiting for your licence to arrive if you do so under the supervision of a FI.

But if you turn up at your local Club announcing that you have just completed your training elsewhere and are waiting for your licence to arrive, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they told you to go away and come back when your licence has arrived! Or alternatively, they may restrict you to flying with FIs until your licence has arrived - so that you can learn UK rules and procedures safely.

Fuji Abound
27th Mar 2006, 12:05
"so that you can learn UK rules and procedures safely. "


27th Mar 2006, 23:33
Thanks for your replies.
I will of course require some dual time to learn the new RT / airspace procedures etc, how much will be determined by the club checkout. I have indeed been told I will have to wait until my lisence arrives and it was this delay I was hoping to avoid. If it really is 10 days then this will be no problem, but I don't want to be out of the air for too long. :sad: