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View Full Version : Wind checks on final approach

20th Mar 2006, 13:20
How frequently would you like to have wind checks when on final approach?

I give more with a crosswind but would like to know from you when and how many you prefer with the aim of providing a better service.

Thanks in advance.

spoilers yellow
20th Mar 2006, 13:28
Sounds like what you're doing is ideal, if the atis is giving calm or light winds a quick check when we're cleared to land is more than enough.
However anything over 20ish KTS and varying around, then another check or two inside the last 500ft would be nice.

That said it probably would't make the slightest bit of difference to one of my landings!:ugh:

20th Mar 2006, 13:50
Thanks for the query Lassie.
IMHO, one reading with the landing clearance (if given earliest within 1 minute of landing) is plenty. I mostly manage to get a look at the windsock, and if battling the elements sure don't have time to make social talk on the R/T or to the F/O ;)
If in doubt or the time from the last reading was too long, I will beg for another one, thanks.

20th Mar 2006, 14:00
If gusty or varying, a final check at 1/2 mile would be nice. Then, maybe I'll give you report of the shear altitude where the winds change... ;-)

Dream Land
20th Mar 2006, 15:10
Agree with F4F, it's not that serious.

21st Mar 2006, 07:59
Thanks for the query Lassie.
IMHO, one reading with the landing clearance (if given earliest within 1 minute of landing) is plenty. I mostly manage to get a look at the windsock, and if battling the elements sure don't have time to make social talk on the R/T or to the F/O ;)
If in doubt or the time from the last reading was too long, I will beg for another one, thanks.

1 minute of landing? That cuts it pretty fine doesn't it? You must be from the US! :E

21st Mar 2006, 08:48
Depends how much ATC like the sound of their own voice :}

21st Mar 2006, 22:33
If it's a coal burner, give him the wind.

If it is a glass cockpit chap, he (I) will just tell you what the wind is where I am because our FMGC can work it out :E