View Full Version : Questionnaire

9th Mar 2006, 20:16
I am studying aviation management at london metropolitan university england. I am researching for my final year dissertation on the subject of communication between Cockpit and Cabin Crews. I am designing a brief questionnaire aimed at Airline Pilots and i would like to post it online at PPRUNE. Is it okay to post it in this forum?

PPRuNe Towers
9th Mar 2006, 20:28
Sorry Craig,

Thanks very much for asking permission first but we don't do surveys that lead to a personal qualification.

Those of us in the business get hammered with them online and in crew rooms repeatedly over the course of our careers. While it's vitally important to you we suffer the equivalent of compassion fatique. Therefore our policy of only suporting surveys that directly feed into our safety systems and regulators is how it has to be. We deal with Cv's, charities and sponsorship in exactly the same way as SOP.
