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View Full Version : Hard,hard landings ...

1st Mar 2006, 13:18
Couple of months ago QR A320 landed, landed, landed in AMM. Highest recorded g was allegedly 2.4! Swell, training flight, SO at the controls, self-proclaimed superstar TRE in the LHS.

TRE "did not notice" the bounces, because Tech Log was empty and the return flight undertaken as scheduled! Upon arrival, maintenance discovered structural damage, cracks in the Ldg. Gear and grounded the airplane. Upon inspection damage was estimated at cca. 5-6 millions USD!

TRE demoted again, previously from Assistant Chief Pilot to "only" TRE, now back to "only" Capt. Running around like a rabid dog, reporting decent airline pilots for deficiencies that only his wounded giant ego can produce, trying to convince his beloved management that there is nothing he would not do to regain their unlimited thrust.

Safety and CRM?

As many other things, pilots can die trying, but they can not enforce any of it, it has to come from management! Covering up such a criminal act is not a sign of willingness to act in that direction, rather utter disregard of safety of all participants.

Oh, yeah, gentleman in question is still much more satisfied with the life in Doha vs Chicago, tomatoes being so much cheaper there!

Please don't be shy, I want to know is it me, or ...?


Right Way Up
5th Mar 2006, 21:44
trying to convince his beloved management that there is nothing he would not do to regain their unlimited thrust.

So thats why some people get super quick promotion! :\
Sorry I'll get my coat.:O

14th Mar 2006, 07:56
Wouldn't this post generate a little more comment from the Middle East forum?
