View Full Version : ATCO Postings

25th Feb 2006, 17:45
Im starting on the TATC March course and wanted to ask a question about movement within the company once validated.

I have been to three pre-interview tower visits, varying in volume of traffic from Heathrow to Stansted and have also been to Swanwick. I am exited about doing this job wherever i end up, however, i must say (along with most others) that my first choice would be tower.

If i do get posted to a tower is there the possibility of movement if i wanted to (i.e to a busier airport?) or are you at the disposal of the company for the rest of your employment?

Also, if i get posted to a tower, and in say 10-15 years time i decide id like to do area, is it possible to go back and re-train in order to become an area controller and vice versa? I was told in the first interview this would be possible, but now im not too sure.

Thanks in advance

25th Feb 2006, 18:07
Yes, although transfers take a long long time

25th Feb 2006, 19:55
varying in volume of traffic from Heathrow to Stansted

.........let's hope you don't end up at Stansted! :)


25th Feb 2006, 20:36
So many replies, so little time....... :E

Married a Canadian
25th Feb 2006, 23:18
If you get posted to a domestic airport like the Aberdeens, Glasgows and Edinburghs etc etc then you could end up dual valid in tower and approach and be able to have lots of opinions on PPrune on both topics and not just one.:)

26th Feb 2006, 10:23
Or you could end up being nats polyfilla.

26th Feb 2006, 17:38
I think the word on the street is that the March course are destined for Area. So that might answer your question for you, probably not the one you wanted though!

That said, out of my course of 30, there was room for 4 on the Aerodrome course, however there were more than half that wanted it. It might be similar with yourselves though you have little input in that decision.

26th Feb 2006, 18:00
How do they decide who goes on an aerodrome course if more than the max. number want it?

If you are a very good student at ATC college would they put you onto area or aerodrome - I know that if you are very good you would go to a busier unit but would this be area or aerodrome on average?

Kirk Biddlecombe
26th Feb 2006, 21:28
When do the courses start? I'm currently waiting to sit the initial tests, but are there different courses starting different times of the year?


27th Feb 2006, 07:46
If you are a very good student at ATC college would they put you onto area or aerodrome
There are supposedly three criteria, in rough order of priority from most important: numbers required in each discipline; aptitude shown at the (early) stage in college at which you are allocated rating courses, and your chosen preference.
When the preferences alone are looked at, airports rating courses are usually oversubscribed, particularly aerodrome as folks like looking out of the windows at the aircraft. Set against that is the fact that some people seem more suited to radar work than others, and a general perception that Area is the most difficult discipline (can't think why though :p)

27th Feb 2006, 11:05
When do the courses start? I'm currently waiting to sit the initial tests, but are there different courses starting different times of the year?

There are...
March, June and October this year, so ive been told.

Dances with Boffins
27th Feb 2006, 11:33
The four intakes per year take a number of Airports or Area Trainees purely depending on how many of each NATS wants/needs. The College has an annual commitment to achieve and the intake is adjusted to meet this. If all the airports guys failed on the preceding couple of courses, then there will be more sent that way on subsequent courses to make up for the shortfall.
If there are more wanting to go airports on a course than NATS wants, simpel answer is "tough". The company needs a lot more Area than Airports controllers, so the majority of new entrants go Area.

27th Feb 2006, 16:42
There are always far more people wanting tower - I was one of them, but the college chose differently for me, and I'm now very very happy trainee area controller :D Feel free to PM me if you need convincing that it's not that bad!


2nd Mar 2006, 09:23
even if you do get your choice of airports , dont expect to get the posting of your choice.
you will always get sent to where the need is which isnt always where you want to go.
however its a cracking job when you do get your license :D

2nd Mar 2006, 14:05
*picks self up off floor, wipes eyes..* Married-a-Can, that's one of the best replies I've seen on Pprune. Won't detract from it by adding a thing!

Married a Canadian
2nd Mar 2006, 20:32
Catswhisker...I aim to amuse...be it intentional or not.

True though...I would LOVE to be dual valid. I don't think the fresh meat out the college realises how much more rounded a controller they'd be if they were at the so called less busy airports doing tower one hour then approach the next.

Tis only my opinion though.