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View Full Version : SOP draft wanted...

His dudeness
22nd Feb 2006, 07:46
...Iīm employed at a little exec outfit, we are operating a crosssection of Cessnas fine products. Our new DO wants to bring in new SOPīS, since the old set wasnīt updated for years. Biggest problem is crossrating and the little differences out Fleet incorporates. We operate a Bravo, an Ultra, an Encore (C550/560), a III, a VII (C650) and a CJ1 (C525).Most aircraft have various variants of Universal FMSīes, 2 though have the GNS-XLS. All Pilots are crossrated for 2 types. I would like to get SOPīs or inputs for them alike to get the best result, we have a discussion for the extend of the SOP as well. What does your company SOPīs cover, whats not in it ?
Input please !

22nd Feb 2006, 20:21
Generally it is observed that a top down approach to QA and procedural definition rarely is the best way to go (ie pinching someone else's tailored work means that your folk have to change their ways of doing business and that is always a rough road).

The better approach is to run things bottom up .. viz., document how you do business at the moment and then check that against the rules and recommended practices from authoritative sources. One then makes a much smaller change to the approach .. which is easier to implement.

As this is getting to a commercial request, I am obliged to move it to admin for assessment. However, I will leave it here for a day or two so that anyone wishing to respond in the short term can do so.

2nd Mar 2006, 10:37
The better approach is to run things bottom up .. viz., document how you do business at the moment and then check that against the rules and recommended practices from authoritative sources. One then makes a much smaller change to the approach .. which is easier to implement.

I'm surpised to read that your company's SOP's havn't been updated for years but whatever the reason for that may be, refrain from completely re writing them as that would get you most certainly into big trouble with the supervising authority when you apply for approval.

Instead revise all relevant manuals thoroughly by today's standards and submit them to you CAA as amendments for approval otherwise you may risk suspension of your AOC pending approval of your new books !

His dudeness
2nd Mar 2006, 22:06
quote: I'm surpised to read that your company's SOP's havn't been updated for years

If youīd know the guy in charge you wouldnīt be surprised.

Anyhow cancel my request as Iīm not with the company anymore...

Thanks for replying
