View Full Version : Loocking for new experiences

Nicolas DG
17th Feb 2006, 21:55
Hello everyone, my name is Nicolas, I from Argentina and Iīm a private pilot with VFR license and HVI. I post this because Iīm loocking for the way that I can take hours flying for some company free, like some sanity works or security jobs, I donīt know, in any part of the world. I love fly and I know that Iīm young, but I need to find the way to take hors flying because in the future I would lke to fly in some Airline in any part of the world. So, if someone know about some place which need pilots to fly cessnas or another type of aircraft please let me know, thanks a lot and have good flights!!!, bye bye!!

18th Feb 2006, 07:14
Hey Nicolas. With only a VFR licence it might be tricky to get a job anywhere even if you are ready to fly for free. The only piece of advise I can give you is that you should check your local skydiving centers. Flying skydivers has helped me to gain hours every summer that I've been out of work.

Good luck m8.

18th Feb 2006, 09:01

Out of curiosity, do you have any experience being the meat rather than the meat-bomber? I've done a couple of jumps, and would be interested in doing a bit of that sort of flying. Or do they prefer you to be a qualified skydiver?

18th Feb 2006, 10:10
*Laughing* Meat bomber, hahahaha! Thats a new one for me.
No, I've never jumped out from an airplane and that has never been a problem for the skydiving clubs I've flown for. Usually the clubs are on a tight budget and cant pay the pilots, so they are happy if you offer to fly them around. If you are unfamilliar with the aircraft you might have to pay for a checkout in the plane but thats a small investment for what you get in return. Fun crowd to be around and fun flying aswell. If you are skydiver yourself I bet you get to jump for free when they have other pilots availible.

Good luck m8. :ok:

winch launch
18th Feb 2006, 13:50
yep, I am a meat bomber too.

I started to fly skydive aircrafts at 19 and I only had a PPL with 250 hours. Great fun, a lot of flying, and once you have a good experience, you can interest some paraclubs flying turboprop aircrafts. I actually have a friend who had 1500 hours including 1000 turbine on a porter, before starting his CPL. The best way to fly for those paraclubs is just to show yourself over there, and to do some networking. If you know a pilot doing that, ask him to help you.

Good luck


Nicolas DG
18th Feb 2006, 17:25
Hello Bluesleep,

Thanks for your information, I read it and I would like to know more about it. I would like to know if this skydrivers will be intresting in some new pilot like my, and where is this skydrivers centre?, what type of aircraft they used to fly. I would be thanksfull if you can answere this questions and if you can tell me more about this ĻjobsĻ and places, thanks very much and good look, thanks a lot my friend

18th Feb 2006, 18:05
It's skyDIVE companies, i.e. people who jump out of planes with parachutes strapped to their back. Its not a company called SkyDrive!

If you Google 'skydive' and your local area, you should find some nearby places.

18th Feb 2006, 20:50
hey nicolas, i'm from argentina too but i have to speak english here for the sake of not being removed by the moderators....

you can pm me and i talk to you more...but being only 18 years old and with the private only i think you have 2 options: a) come with a lot of money and buy hours in USA or somewhere else, and get more ratings.....or b) join the EJERCITO ARGENTINO...you have more chances there...just stay and they train you and you get to fly some hours......:ok:

ok...pm me if you want more info.


Nicolas DG
20th Feb 2006, 01:07
First of all, thanks Martin and all the others mans who respons my post, thanks a lot. I read all the messenger and I start to think about something new, something that could be dangerus but a good experience.
I started to think to became a tankerpilot, but i donīt know haw and what I should have, I know that itīs a dangerous work, but i think itīs realy intredting and I respet a lot to thous pilots. So, if someone in this forum can help my, telling my information about how I can became a tanker pilot please let me know. thanks to all peolpe againg and have good flights!!, bye bye