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View Full Version : Do you trust your Flight De(i)spatch/Following or Ops Control ?

3rd Feb 2006, 16:41
It is a very interesting and pertinent issue nowadays. I would appreciate if Captain Stable (the Moderator) could concur or re-channel this New Thread to a different Forum if this is not the proper one. Grateful for the help.
It would be definitely interesting to have a debate whether flight crews feel that ground based ops staff are an hindrance or an asset to the crews and ultimately for the company and its business.
I’m referring to a ground based and fully equipped and staff unit (OCC ? NCC ? Flight Watch ? Whatever name you have in your own setup...) capable of answering airborne crews about their operational needs not requests of a trivial nature.
We have the American/Canadian partership PIC-Dispatcher, we also have other few countries following a more "distant and cool" partnership and we have those without any support or even those who don’t want that support despite being available, although these cases are very scarce.
In a very constructive/objective debate, perhaps some ideas could be raised in order to enlighten a number of Civ Airs to legislate on the matter.
I believe safety may be an issue, however costs will be the operators´ main concern.
I hope to see very good posts. Thank you.