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View Full Version : JAA Tailwheel in Europe?

2nd Feb 2006, 21:31
Hi everybody,

A bit of a strange question this but does anybody know of a good (and preferably cheap) place were you can do a JAA tailwheel conversion in Europe?

I've been trying to do it in the UK but Mother Nature must have something against me ;)

Thanks for any help you can give.


3rd Feb 2006, 09:50
Have you tried Clacton.

Mark 1
3rd Feb 2006, 12:01
Plenty of French clubs with "Jo-jos" on their books.

You can search around from:

Also plenty of places in the UK. Where are you based?

3rd Feb 2006, 12:06
Hi Mark,

I'm based in Wigan near to Manchester, I think Ive been in contact with all the places that do Tail Wheel Conversions in the UK (unfortunatley for me there all based in the South of England). I'd like to do it as soon as possible but with the weather the way it is here at the moment I was wondering if there was anywhere in continental Europe that does the JAA Tail Wheel Conversion.

Thanks for sending me the link as well, my French is a little rusty however ;)


3rd Feb 2006, 13:10
I might get shot down in flames here but as such you don't need a flying school as such to do the training. Any old instructor who is current on tail draggers can do the differences training and sign you off. The training also doesn't need to be done at a licensed strip although if you are going first solo I would suggest you do it with some sort of rescue crews nearby .

A post in the instructors forum might sort you out with a local instructor who if you already own your share in an aircraft can do it on your machine at your local airfield.

Atlantic in Coventry have a tail dragger training aircraft if you get stuck not sure if they rent it out as they use it to train the fuglies.



Lister Noble
3rd Feb 2006, 13:17
Mad Jock,
That sounds promising,but does the tailwheel aircraft need to have a public category C of A or is a normal C of A OK?

3rd Feb 2006, 13:45
If its yours (share will do) it doesn't matter it can be a permit aircraft. But check your insurance sometimes they have experence clauses in them for you flying solo and use for training.

It all gets a bit complicated if you borrow a mates plane and i wouldn't like to give you any advice on that. It is done quite frequently but I am sure its in a grey area of the law

The reason i stated I might get shot down in flames is that it may have all changed in the last 3 years and this option might have been removed.

As such there isn't such a thing as a JAA tail wheel conversion. There is only tail wheel differences which is just a sign off by the instructor with a stupid sticker. The CAA doesn't get any paper stating you have done the training, the only evidence you have done the training is the sticker in your log book. Its the same for pressurisation, constant speed props, turbo's and retractable.

I am sure cash plus expenses will get the job done pretty quick.

Mark 1
3rd Feb 2006, 14:05
I've just recently signed off a couple of guys on a private cat, group-owned taildragger at a non-licensed field - quite legitimate.
But you do need to supply the aircraft properly insured.

Have you tried Pete Bell and the Chippy (901) at East Midlands?
Atlantique have the C152 at Cov, but quite pricey.
I've also heard rumours that Enstone Flying Club are lining up a Chippy in the near(?) future.

3rd Feb 2006, 14:22
If you have the aircraft I can do it for you, especially central South UK. PM me if any use.

3rd Feb 2006, 14:23
Doesn't Kevin Rowel at Sheffield have a chippy as well?


I have nothing to do with them apart from Kev did my IR rating.

He's not bad for a macum, Bloody good instructor to boot if he is still involved.

Doing some time in the Tiger Moth would be a bit special


5th Feb 2006, 12:31
fenland flying school in Lincs have a tailwheel cesna 150 for training and hire.

www.fenlandairfield.co.uk (http://www.fenlandairfield.co.uk)

Shaggy Sheep Driver
5th Feb 2006, 16:59
Pace - if you can source an aeroplane, there are at least two instructors at Barton who are ace tailwheel guys. There used to be a Citabria on the club fleet there, but it was sold due lack of use, despite a very attractive hourly rate! It is strange but true that club taildraggers are often not sustainable - folk will queue for PA28s and C152s, but will shun a far more interesting machine simply because it is a tailwheeler.


5th Feb 2006, 22:10
I'm not looking to hi-jack the thread or anything but does anyone know of any clubs in Northants/Beds/Bucks area that do a full tailwheel PPL??

6th Feb 2006, 15:29
Herge - try Northants School of Flying now at Peterborough Sibson (just a jaunt up the road from Beds/Northants) - they've got a Piper Cub for initial tailwheel conversions, as well as a Tiger Moth and if you fancy some real thrills later, a Pitts S2A - nice people too. NSF Sibson 01832 280289:ok:

6th Feb 2006, 16:57

Bought the Citabria, fixed the horror stories that the maintenance department hid, flew it , sold it, sadly it got burnt in a hangar fire at Chester le Street.

6th Feb 2006, 17:24
Comed at Blackpool have a Chippie available.

Shaggy Sheep Driver
6th Feb 2006, 19:40
Bought the Citabria, fixed the horror stories that the maintenance department hid, flew it , sold it, sadly it got burnt in a hangar fire at Chester le Street.

Hi Jav.

Heard about the fire - very sad. I knew the engine was pretty much end of life, but that was common knowledge. Be obliged if you'd PM me the horror stories, since I flew it a lot just before it went. :eek: