View Full Version : Internet Access Problems

24th Jan 2006, 10:41
I have AOL 9.0 on my desktop, connected through a BT Voyager 100 ADSL modem. I had no problems until recently; I connected to AOL and was advised that I had connected to a slow network (128 kbps) which was soon to close down, and that I should download new drivers for my modem in order to connect to the new faster network.

Having duly downloaded and installed the drivers, I am now successfully connected to AOL on the new faster connection.

However......I cannot use Internet Explorer, I cannot connect to Norton's server to check for updates to the virus list, I cannot connect to MSN Messenger. I have tried to adjust security settings on my firewall, but there seems to be nothing I can do.

The change was definitely the modem drivers as when I first had the problem, I removed AOL and the modem drivers completely from my pc and reloaded in stages to see when the problem re-occurred.

Any ideas would be most welcome as I am getting a very hard time form my kids about the lack of msn messenger!!

24th Jan 2006, 10:44
AOL free help line....?

24th Jan 2006, 10:51
BOAC . . . . .

Not any more! (http://www.aol.co.uk/help/complaints/ms_number.html)

24th Jan 2006, 10:56
I have tried the AOL help call centre (at vast expense!!). Their suggestion was to uninstall all the softward and reload....I've done that with no result.

I have also tried their on-line chat help.....waited for quite a while and got no response, so trying other avenues now.

24th Jan 2006, 12:36
My apologies! I quit AOL 3 years ago and the MAIN advantage of AOl was the free help line:{

24th Jan 2006, 16:29
how about a Google on ..... aol forums

there seems to be plenty available .... :confused:

they may be able to help .....