View Full Version : American Cfi

29th Dec 2005, 07:26
Hi Guys-

I´m planning to do my CFI-Rating in the U.S., aiming for AMERICAN FLYERS in Long Beach or Bay Area, CA. A third choice might be the Air Dessert Pacific Flight School near L.A.

Anybody made experiences with one of those three flightschools ?

Thank you very much...


Hairy Chest
30th Dec 2005, 03:22
Dont go to ADP....:mad: American Flyers is good place at Long Beach. Also see schools in CMA; Sunair

30th Dec 2005, 09:37
It´s funny- heard these concerns before...
WHY better staying away from ADP ?? :confused:

8th Jan 2006, 14:15
Did all of my training at ADP and instructed there for about 4 months. If you did your CFI rating there I know which instructor you would have and she is very thorough and has been teaching the initial CFI course for years and has a good pass rate. Some of the planes are a bit tired and some of the instructors are not great but if you want a reasonably priced place you can't go very wrong with ADP. They have had their fare share of accidents but almost all were down to idiots in the front not putting wheels down or switching off engines and forgeting to restart them and then taking wings off when they try to go around. I beleive it has started to improve and more money is being spent on their rental fleet. It is in a good location and they are all nice people.

9th Jan 2006, 08:31
Have a look at www.flyaviator.com That is where I did mine, like most schools, training machines are a bit tired but the standards were very good, and no hidden costs.