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25th Dec 2005, 05:53
Anyone have any SOPS eating in the cockpit for single pilot ops?

25th Dec 2005, 07:26

I would hope that pilots would just apply some common sense precautions to the task and pray that nobody will ever feel the need to write one. But of course, that may be asking too much. If you will agree to be careful not to choke or otherwise render yourself incapacatated as a result of dining at the controls, I will promise not to write an SOP to cover this situation. I will also leave it up to your good judgement to decide how much coffee or tea is too much! Good luck up there.

Best regards,


25th Dec 2005, 10:09
Theres nothing quite like flying along at 10,000 all by yourself, VFR over spectacular scenery, sipping on a coffee and muching on a sandwich...

Dream Land
26th Dec 2005, 14:42
And who is going to report you if there is an SOP??:E

26th Dec 2005, 15:34
anyone have any SOPS eating in the cockpit for single pilot ops?

I was once eating potato salad in the north sea when we hit such bad turbulance as we went round the back of an island it went all over the system operator down the back of the aircraft. Verrry embarassing.

My SOP, use plastic not china, eat things that don't spill, do not rest liquids on the search radar even if it does keep your coffee warm :E

Old Smokey
28th Dec 2005, 00:52
For the case in point -

SOP =Sensible Operating Procedures.

That SOP has been in force since the Wright Brothers made the first flight more than a century ago. In other words, use good judgement.


Old Smokey

28th Dec 2005, 10:54
Nothing keeps you on your toes like trying to get the lid back on your coffee and food off the yoke on short final!

Makes you feel alive:}

Genghis the Engineer
28th Dec 2005, 21:51
Nothing that generates too many crumbs.

So fig-rolls rather than, say, hob-nobs, ham sandwich rather than grated cheese.

Common sense really.


Sven Sixtoo
31st Dec 2005, 09:03
And from a very messy experience in my first 100 hours:

Don't open fizzy drinks at FL80 in a Cherokee. :eek:


31st Dec 2005, 12:21
Opening a yoghurt pot at altitude requires care and a paper towel.:uhoh:

Runaway Gun
31st Dec 2005, 15:25
I highly recommend throwing the empty beer bottles out the window well before you land.

Genghis the Engineer
1st Jan 2006, 16:26
I highly recommend throwing the empty beer bottles out the window well before you land.

Have you ever seen a movie called "The Gods must be crazy", you never know what you might cause with that sort of behaviour.


Professor Plum
1st Jan 2006, 18:56
Packets of Crisps aren't a good idea either.

They once caused a few moments of panic, when at fairly high altitude (for a C152!), the packets popped, leaving me wondering what on Earth was going bang!........until my instructor noticed.


8th Jan 2006, 09:15
Theres nothing quite like flying along at 10,000 all by yourself, VFR over spectacular scenery, sipping on a coffee and muching on a sandwich...

why are you flying VFR at that level? :=

just kiddin :=

Biggles' Apprentice
9th Jan 2006, 11:03
I remember my very first PPL lesson with the legendary Brendon O'Brien..in a steady climb when an awful rumbling, grating noise came lodly through my cans....

I turned to Brendon's massive frame, concerned, who calmly patted his stomach and said..."F***ing Chlli Con Carne at 4000 ft....."

Pilot Pete
9th Jan 2006, 15:12
Theres nothing quite like flying along at 10,000 all by yourself, VFR over spectacular scenery, sipping on a coffee and muching on a sandwich... You got me all warm and fuzzy insode reminiscing about that one; The Crinan Canal http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/crinan/crinancanal/ at 6000' on my way back to EGPF, steaming coffee with 1 sugar and a BP Service Station's finest Ham and Cheese on brown.........ahh the memories and all I get now is one of those aluminium dishes with some gloop and a luke warm galley brew:(


9th Jan 2006, 15:34
Top tip - peel an orange, separate the segments partially, and wrap it in silver foil - very refreshing (remember to take off foil first before eating :E )

Charles Darwin
12th Jan 2006, 11:56
Donīt put everything in in the SOP, if you ask me. Our environment is already overregulated so people are getting afraid of making any sensible decision; they might contradict the bloody SOP. The more regulations, the more opportunities to bust you for something that otherwise might not matter. Like eating a sandwich. Imagine being fired for eating a sandwich!:eek:

Perro Rojo
12th Jan 2006, 12:44
Not a problem when you are Single Pilot unless you are so honest that you turn yourself in. Doh!!!