View Full Version : V2 = Vx or Vy

19th Dec 2005, 07:26
hi all,

I' m a bit confused about the V2-Vx-Vy?

Could somebody tell me if the V2 is equal to Vx (best angle of climb) or Vy (best rate of climb) and why?

whould appreciate any help on this
thank you in advance!

19th Dec 2005, 16:10
V2 is the minimum speed for climb following an engine failure during takeoff, and is defined by factors above Vs1 and Vmca. It is usually less than Vx and way below Vy, which is why if you have an engine failure at a speed above V2 you maintain the speed you have rather than slowing to V2. This gives you a better climb gradient than V2 would.
I hope this helps!