View Full Version : Private Flying visit to West Drayton...

12th Dec 2005, 11:31
Sunday 29th January. I can take four people on a visit to WD, only on this date. If you fancy it then let me know here.

12th Dec 2005, 12:16
I'd love to go - please count me in!

12th Dec 2005, 12:18
Yes Please! It's already in my diary!


13th Dec 2005, 22:52
Well I'm astounded that there's been no other takers since 13:18 UTC, so I would like to come. I was not going to reply before this evening; What a poor take-up?

I went before, some aeons ago, and a good experience it was.

13th Dec 2005, 23:39
If you still have a place I'd love to come along

14th Dec 2005, 21:05
If you still have a space I'd like to go along.
I'm not a regular contributer to the forum so if you feel a more deserving case should go that's fine.



20th Dec 2005, 22:24
I'm now plus one, BRL if possible...


21st Dec 2005, 23:29
Sorry DubTrub, I hadn't read your post properly, I'll wash whats left of my hair instead;)

Saab Dastard
22nd Dec 2005, 12:54
Second Reserve?

I've got to somehow knobble 2 of you :E

3rd Jan 2006, 13:52

Do you have more info about this trip yet? In particular, have I passed the selection process?????:ok:


Saab Dastard
29th Jan 2006, 19:21
Many thanks to BRL for organising another excellent and educational visit!
Special thanks of course to Mike Turner who gave up his Sunday afternoon to guide us around, and his colleagues in D&D and Ops who were most accomodating, informative and helpful. :ok:
As DubTrub suggested, a visit here should be a part of the PPL syllabus.
Having witnessed a "live" CAS infringement as well as 3 recordings it really was an eye-opener. :uhoh:


29th Jan 2006, 19:51
Yes, agreed, it was a real eye-opener seeing the videos of infringements, I remember just sitting there just thinking WOW, how can this happen, then we went into the main control room and seen it happen for real on one of the screens there live. Unfortunately, it was one of many that happened today.

We were shown a video earlier in the briefing room, all about infringements, it had the radar display and the audio to go with it in real time. A real jaw-dropper. This video should be shown to as many people possible. Don't know how, but someone, somewhere, should get it out to every flying school in the uk.

Anyhow, another good visit today and must give huge thanks to Mike for giving his Sunday afternoon up for us, many thanks Mike, it is so much appreciated. :ok:

29th Jan 2006, 22:42
An interesting and educational trip this afternoon. The issue of CAS zone infringements was initially brought home by some recent recordings of actual infringements, in which some extremely dangerous situations were highlighted on radar and audio recordings.

Later on, while we were "plugged in" to Luton Radar, we witnessed a quite frightening infringement as it happened within the Luton zone. The controller had to issue "immediate avoiding action" to one airliner, which must have involved the slopping of many G&T's in the back.

D&D was again another education. The response to both military and civil emergencies was demonstrated quite visually, and again while we were in the room, several "practice pans" and transponder mis-dials happened as we watched; there was even an errant ELT activation.

I would very strongly recommend that if private pilots have not visited the facility before, that you take the earliest opportunity so to do.

Our thanks to BRL for arranging; to Mike our host for his patience in answering our questions; and to Jonathan the Luton controller, who despite the urgency of some of the situations, was keen to constantly explain to us in some detail what he was doing to help traffic flow smoothly.


30th Jan 2006, 05:45
And a special thankyou from the Traffic Manager after one of you sat on the keyboard of his Traffic Load Prediction Device and jammed it! Gave me a laugh! :E

Charley B
30th Jan 2006, 06:41
A BIG thank you to Mike for giving up his Sunday to show us round---it certainly was an eye opener for me and so interesting.
Would love to do it again!
Rob and the others have said it all above,so theres no need for me to repeat it!!
Big Thank You to Jonathan for explaining everything so well ----would feel really safe as a passenger on a plane in his airspace!!!!!!
BRL --you are a star for organising it---thanks for the lift!

Charley B x

30th Jan 2006, 07:19
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said! Superb experience, seeing the live infringement was fascinating, and really showed how something that might seem relatively small has a big cascading effect.

I'll be more patient next time I call up and am told to standby - there's a lot more going on than you hear on the R/T.

Many thanks to Mike for giving us the tour, and Jonathan for allowing us to plug in to his sector while he was working.

BRL - looking forward to the Hathrow tower visit :ok:

30th Jan 2006, 09:11
Sounds like a good day out was had by all. As I haven't flown this year yet it wasn't me infringing Luton's Zone!!! BRL check your PM's re above if you would be so kind.

30th Jan 2006, 09:50