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View Full Version : Flight deck videos - help wanted

6th Dec 2005, 14:14
I know that many of you watch these videos showing the actions of the pilots in a variety of aircraft during a flight from A to B.

I would like some help but this is an unusual request.

I am helping another 'high risk' industry deal with some human error problems that its teams are having when they are setting up to carry out a safety critical procedure.

Amazingly this industry does not use checklists immediately before they start their process and as result there is an unacceptable level of safety incidents and accidents.

I have been asked to run a training course for them. I would like to be able to show them a good example of a 'before take off checklist' being carried out from one of these flight deck videos.

Unfortunately there is some resistance from the workforce to the idea of using a checklist (" we know what we're doing, - done it hundreds of time without missing anything!" ) so I would like the video to show that it is not a difficult or onerous process.

If you think that one of these videos might suit my purpose particulary well I would like to hear from you. A contact address for a supplier would be helpful if possible.

The use of the checklist in the video should not be too long, the dialogue should be clear, not too many acronyms etc.

Thank you very much for any help you can give. Believe me, I am not joking when I say this may well save some lives.

6th Dec 2005, 14:48
a good example of these is the Airtours A330-200 DVD from ITVV,the checklists come up on screen as they do them.


Hope this helps,

6th Dec 2005, 15:34
Suggest perhaps that you have a look at the CRM forum and contact some of the CRM training providers.

CRM is not just for aviation as the generic lessons can be applied to most if not all workstrands.

6th Dec 2005, 16:25
Thanks woof, we do have all the other materials we need.

The only thing that is missing is a good video showing a checklist actually in use.

6th Dec 2005, 18:27
(" we know what we're doing, - done it hundreds of time without missing anything!" )

Got to agree with you on that after a sh1te bit of nav by myself,a quick turnaround followed,went through my checks from memory and wondered why aircraft would not start,clip on the head with a kneeboard from the back seat followed by "use your checklist" solved it,Mixture was lean fuel was off!:{

Discovery wings does a programme called flight deck,its for the anoraks amongst us but shows checks,CRM and all that good stuff from start up to shut down.
As with most discovery wings progs it will be about 15 years old but good all the same.:ok:

7th Dec 2005, 18:40

I have some of the videos that have been mentioned, the 747 Virgin, Airtours A330,757 and the leisure 767

They all show CRM and checklists and have good value, I got these from Transair but think most pilot shops sell them.

try www.transair.co.uk


Hope this helps

8th Dec 2005, 09:20

All of the videos suggested will probably carry the standard copyright message that they are for "home use only". Therefore if you plan to use them in a commercial environment you will need to contact the company concerned for permission. They will probably ask for more money!

There was a case discussed on here a few years ago where a MCC provider was using one such video to demonstrate "bad CRM". When the captain who was shown in the video found out he was not happy, neither were the company who made the video!

High Wing Drifter
8th Dec 2005, 10:20

I'm not sure if this has been superceeded so as far as I am aware, this is the definitive CRM training aid. The trouble is it is very pricey. I was lucky enough to be lent a copy whilst I was doing my PPL and the central message has struck a chord with me.

The person I borrowed it off was doing a team building related training course; totally non-flying related.


8th Dec 2005, 18:25
Probably right about the vidos although they dont show bad CRM, maybe another suggestion would be to use the old John Cleese videos that show very poor communication between staff, but not airline related, not sure if they would help.

Unfortunately I cannot recall there names, but he had made some in the 70's that were standard use for training people in communication and development
