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View Full Version : Yokes, Rudders & Throttles

30th Nov 2005, 21:25
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place but here goes anyways:

Yokes & Throttles
I have been a desktop pilot for over 8 years and have flown most of all of the software sim's including PS1.3a, PMDG 737NG's, PIC767 and the Level D 767. All all superb in their systems but the biggest glitch in all of the above software is the LACK of a good YOKE & THROTTLE arrangement.
I had 2 hours on the real 737 NG-700 flight simulator and I can tell you that I trained on the PMDG 737NG software and it was a breeze knowing all about the systems and the aircraft in general. The biggest disappointment is that nobody has developed or marketed a YOKE & RUDDER set-up that is AFFORDABLE with reasonable feel for what it's really like to hand fly an approach or a takeoff.

Are there any real pilot's out here that can comment on a halfway decent yoke & rudder system that doesn't break the bank or do I have to purchase the PFC type's? Just asking because flying the real simulator is a whole lot different than a cheap CH yoke & rudder arrangement. Not even close to the real forces involved...

It seems ashame that the industry is so far advanced on the software systems and graphics of these highly sophisticated aircraft and have not come up with....as I mentioned before...a medium halfway decent Yoke & Rudder combined with the other lacking hardware of a good Throttle with TOGA and trim & autopilot disconnects where they should be located.

If anybody knows of a system that fulfills all of these criteria, please respond.

Regards to all,

Phil Hudson
30th Nov 2005, 21:49
Did som googling

http://images.google.no/imgres?imgurl=http://www.avsim.com/pages/1002/fs-weekend/belgian_cockpit.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.avsim.com/pages/1002/fs-weekend/fs_weekend.htm&h=600&w=800&sz=118&tbnid=E4NXHGMyFqkJ:&tbnh=106&tbnw=142&hl=no&start=5&prev=/images%3Fq%3D737%2Bthrottle%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dno%26lr%3D%2 6sa%3DG

http://images.google.no/images?q=737+throttle&hl=no&btnG=S%C3%B8k+etter+bilder :ok:

30th Nov 2005, 23:05
Looks like a Chinese copy of a 737.

Those fire switches look to be a bit of reach...

Phil Hudson
30th Nov 2005, 23:17
Naaah, this is the Chinese version :}


1st Dec 2005, 02:31
<<Those fire switches look to be a bit of reach...>>

Not for the First Officer hiding on the floor in fear...:}

Ignition Override
2nd Dec 2005, 05:47
This must be the distant future! I can't believe my eyes :ugh: (envy). If we all had these, they would shorten our simulator training, but would they pay us for some 'events'?

Can you do this with any WW2 aircraft games?:oh: