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View Full Version : NAT MNPS Re-route SOPs

Brain Potter
23rd Nov 2005, 14:42
A recent training trip has posed the following question.

You are intending to fly on a random track in the North Atlantic MNPS and flight plan accordingly. You insert the waypoints in accorcordance with the Master Document (Jetplan) and cross check the tracks and distances for each leg in accordance with the North Atlantic Operations Manual.

However, once airborne you are cleared for a different track and so insert and check the new waypoints. The North Atlantic Operations Manual suggests that you should now prepare a new Master Document using a blank proforma and transcribe the tracks and distances from a reference source.

What is the reference source?

If you copy them from the FMS you are invalidating the whole point of checking T&D at turning points. The requirement to check T&D at turning points is to cross check the FMS produced T&D with an independent source thus highlighting any waypoint insertion error. The Jeppesen (or similar) database would be the independent source whilst flying the flight planned route. But what about re-routes? My company used to provide a booklet of Tracks and Distance for this purpose. It contained all the NAT waypoints with the T&D information for consecutive points. This document is now defunct so I can see no other way of obtaining independent information apart from plotting and measuring from a chart.

What do other operators do?


Henry VIII
23rd Nov 2005, 17:41
In the italian company where I'm engaged we still maintain the T&D booklet on board.
I don't know if a similar data base exists in a LPC environment, otherwise I don't see any alternative.


Captain Airclues
24th Nov 2005, 07:58
Brain Potter

You must carry a Tracks and Distances booklet/manual on board when flying in NAT MNPS. I suggest that you contact your company and get them to replace it.


Brain Potter
24th Nov 2005, 21:39
Captain Airclues,

I have studied the North Atlantic Ops Manual and it doesn't actually mention a Track/Distance booklet. It refers to a "reference source" and in a different paragraph specifies acceptable plotting charts - of which we are supplied with plenty.

Can you point me towards where the booklet is mandated? I would like to get the booklet re-instated but need firm evidence.



24th Nov 2005, 21:49
Long haul, Uk operator - we also carry a T&D booklet. Our Ops Manual Part C specifies that we carry one - does yours not do so?

Brain Potter
25th Nov 2005, 23:28
I have to confess to being miltary and I don't know what would be our equivalent of an Ops Manual Part C. Carriage of a T&D booklet is not specified in any of our orders. The department that used to provide such documentation has been slashed under a recent re-organisation. I am very keen to get this omission rectified and knowlege of airline practices is excellent ammunition - hence pointers towards your regulations are gratefully received.

Who produces your booklets? Are they in-house or are commercially sourced? Maybe we can procure them from somewhere else even if we cannot produce them.



Henry VIII
26th Nov 2005, 14:00
It refers to a "reference source"

As you previous told the reference source must be a different one than the aircraft avionic equipment, so no other way than paper or electronic T&D tables.

Who produces your booklets?

We made it in our internal NTO (Navigation, Technical and Operation Office). If you send me a PM with an e-mail address I can send you a simply excel file to convert any point-to-point data (geographic coordinates) into true track & distance.
To build up a complete T&D booklet is a boring duty, but starting from that software we built a dedicated one which calculates automatically the requested degrees increment (5 & 10) and produces itself each page of the booklet.

Hope to be useful


27th Nov 2005, 20:40
Hi BP,

If Henry 8 isn't able to help, then PM me with your email address and I'll put you in touch with our route planning department (if I can work out how to retrieve a PM - am somewhat of a Luddite! :( ). Our T&D booklet isn't exactly commercially sensitive, so with a bit of luck we might be able to persuade them to send you one to copy!


Brain Potter
28th Nov 2005, 18:08
Thanks to everyone. I have made representations quoting your responses and consequently it seems that we are going to get some form of Tracks and Distances booklet back.

Small victories :O

Regards to all