View Full Version : NG-altitude display

17th Nov 2005, 08:27
Just read this in the Revision Nr.10 for the 737 Ng,concerning the altitude display:
-with mode S transponders installed,the displayed altitude is transmitted to ATC
4.10.6 /sept29.2005

I suspect this may be wrong,but it was just been added to the description of the MCP altitude display,so maybe...
Do you know anything about this?
How about controllers?Do you have any indication about selected altitude for an a/c climbing,or descending?
Brgds Alex

17th Nov 2005, 11:54
The latest Chirp to drop through my letterbox included a NATS DVD with a video about the new mode S capabilities (as well as the primary one about level busts). Altitude readouts are only the start of it, with selected altitude, heading, rate of climb/descent, and IAS also being datalinked. The video suggests that all this is coming on line imminently and that all transport aircraft will be fitted with it soon, although I haven't checked up on actual implementation dates.
So Big Brother will be watching you!!

17th Nov 2005, 13:04
I'm not flying NG (or any 737 either) and haven't seen the Chirp, but it seems to me that new S mode is expansion of old one (which is expansion of C) and central to it is 4 digit code (aka squawk) and QNE level. New S mode will have some aditional features like transmitting selected altitude (great fun for any controller with 10+ yr old ATR on her/his radarscope) but I didn't read anywhere that indicated altitude will be also included in transmitted data. Nor I can imagine of what use will that be to ATC, so either I'm missing something or there is indeed a slight mistake in NG manual.

17th Nov 2005, 20:28
With acknowledgements to Eurocontrol:

"Mode S Enhanced Surveillance is planned for deployment in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The foreseen mandate is March 2005, with a transition period until March 2007.

Enhanced Surveillance through the ground acquisition of specific aircraft parameters will enable the Controllers to increase their efficiency in tactically separating aircraft. The Controller's information is improved by providing actual aircraft derived data such as Magnetic Heading, Air Speed, Selected Altitude and Vertical Rate enabling to reduce the radio telephony (RT) workload "

My italics

24 bit code instead of just 4096 code options is used. As BJJ says - it is coming!