View Full Version : hours worked

7th Nov 2005, 22:58
I was under the impression that it was a maximum of 50 hours per cycle that an ATCO could work, has anyone got anything to say about this?

turn right heading 365
7th Nov 2005, 23:09
Yes, if you're working to SCRATCOH!! I think there might be a 30 minute extension but not too sure. Has the CAA approved this roster?:eek:

7th Nov 2005, 23:30
depends from country to country. We have limit in the aviation law (154 hours/month). Nothing about cycles though.

Scott Voigt
8th Nov 2005, 01:17
US is a normal 8 hour shift, with a max of 10 hours. Must then have at least 8 hours off between shifts, so you can get off at 1430 and have to come back at 2230 for another 8. Can only work a max of 8 days in a row before you have to have 24 hours off, then start all over again... At least we don't have split shifts YET... Talk with the folks at NAV Canada about that one. Frau Blakey would love for us to be doing that too...



8th Nov 2005, 01:54
At least we don't have split shifts YET... Talk with the folks at NAV Canada about that one.
No split shifts here either...yet.
36 hours/week. In an 8 week period max overtime is 96 hours paid at double time.
Periods are either 17on/11off x2 or soon 34on/22off, made up of variations of 6/4 6/4 5/3; 6/5 6/3 5/3 for the 17/11s or 5/3 x6 + 4/4 in the 34/22.
Normally not less than 10 hours between shifts, can volunteer to reduce it to 8.
Standard shift length 8.47 hours (8 hr 28m) agreed in new contract. Can be extended to a max of 12 hours.
Max 9 days in a row.
Its no where near as bad as people make out!;)
By choice I only work evenings and a full cycle of 6 nights every 3-4 months.

Hooligan Bill
8th Nov 2005, 08:38
All the UK Regulations can be found in CAP670 ATS Safety Requirements, Part D, Section . Go to www.caa.co.uk and click on publications to find the document.

8th Nov 2005, 13:24
We have a sort of split shift.........work 0645 to 1400 then back 10 hours later to start at 0000 again.

Not too sure what will happen with the new agreement/standard shift length thing.

8th Nov 2005, 15:34
That's not a split shift Jerri. The shifts are on different days! That's what the company will tell you!
I think some of the smaller units may have had true split shifts where they'd work a few hours in the morning and come back for a few more in the evening. Never happened here though, thankfully.

Radar Pete
9th Nov 2005, 12:31
Interesting thread. Made me do blow the dust off the covers.
Our roster has a 48hr cycle with a maximum extension to 55 hrs.
The cycles follow 6/4, 6/4, 6/2.
Shift length average is 8 hrs
Max rostered shift length is 9 hrs
Shifts can only be extended to a max of 10 hrs.
Minimum time between shifts is 10 hrs
If we work 7 shifts in a row or work to 55 hrs we have to have a minimum of 60 hrs off.
In any 30 day cycle we must have 3 break periods of more than 168 hrs.
Now that we do not have standby system we have no possibility of split shifts. Overtime is voluntary.
We have to take leave once a year with a continuous period of 20 days. With 56 days leave, no problem. :E

What I would also like to know is what is your limit to working on an operational position (radar and planner).
Our rules say that we have to have a minimum of a 30 min break after 2 1/2 hrs. With our traffic loadings it is a bit heavy, what is considered the norm within the regs.

9th Nov 2005, 13:37
I know Cossack, I'm trying to pretend I'm hard done by ;)

9th Nov 2005, 13:55
So would I be right in assuming that Mil ATCOs would also comply to the CAP 670 or are they exempt?

9th Nov 2005, 16:12
Highly unlikely, but I await one of our military brethren to confirm.

9th Nov 2005, 22:51
Check your pm's, Hooli