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View Full Version : Student Pilot License

Steve Langford
16th Oct 2005, 04:56
Ok. I’m 13 and have been a pilot enthusiast since I was 9. I have one more year until I officially can get a license. So it says that I have to be 14 years old to get a license to pilot a glider and/or balloon. So when I get to 14, what do I do first? BTW, I hope to be come an airline pilot in the future.

16th Oct 2005, 08:04
start blowing........:O

Good luck son !

Old Smokey
17th Oct 2005, 06:53
Steve, During your waiting period, gather all of the practical knowledge that you can about aviation, particularly Theory of Flight, but definately not at the expense of your regular school studies.

Don't get into the more advanced technical stuff, such as Navigation, at this stage, the mathematics studies etc. that you've done so far might not adequately cope with this, leading to frustration.

Best of luck Steve,


Old Smokey

17th Oct 2005, 07:09
and Old Smokey speaks from experience - which you can definitely see from his spelling !


either that, or it was a long weekend on the pop, eh Old Smokey?

Old Smokey
17th Oct 2005, 10:11
Thanks D SQDRN 97th IOTC, that was an embarrassing slip of the keyboard.

Hope too many people didn't see it before editing :O

Thank you again,

Old Smokey

Steve Langford
17th Oct 2005, 21:53
Thanks Smokey. A nice google search should help me.

Reverand Lovejoy
17th Oct 2005, 22:12

Couldn't agree with Smokey more. Just to expand though, focus on Mathematics and Physics. This will ensure you have a base kowledge for future subjects. Don't specify in one subject and 'burn you bridges'. Leave your mind open and listen to RELIABLE sources. I first got my pilots license, but now really enjoy the engineering side. A sound knowledge of Maths has meant I get to make the decision.

Whatever you do, don't forget to enjoy it. Have fun starting on a career you will enjoy and contribute to, but don't put the blinkers up too early. The world is a very big place, but from a 23 yr old sounds a bit hypocritical. Good luck in whatever you do :ok:


The Reverand