View Full Version : My fault, but-

6th Oct 2005, 06:01
I took off from ED** yesterday, and using the EFB not paper charts, I missed the very small print, note 2, in the very top very right corner that said contact radar immediately after take off.

Two points: these EFB that strap onto the yoke, are not in the direct line of sight, they are difficult to read at 20-40 degrees off centre, and to actually have a usable display of the chart you must ZOOM in. (This I understand is against the certification requirements).
My company have the facility to print the charts from the flight deck, but the printer does not work.

On a similar type with the charts displayed on the PFD's the note is easy to read.

I remember some airport charts that highlight the immediate change to radar, as a safety measure. So having scanned for the highlighted note, did not see the instruction.

One further point: I do not like the EFB as a normal source for data, how many times have you just landed, and need a ground charts, accessable, following the ILS/GA chart, as well.

My system does not even allow me to hot swop charts...and in turbulence or bumpy taxi ride...forget your EFB.

Any similar input would be of interest.... Bumz...