View Full Version : NASA Aeronautics Research Wins National Recognition

4th Oct 2005, 23:10
Two NASA aeronautics research efforts have been singled out by a nationally known aerospace magazine for their contributions to the advancement of aerospace.

"Aviation Week and Space Technology" selected the X-43 Hyper-X scramjet and Synthetic Vision Systems teams of NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for its 48th Annual Aerospace Laurels awards honoring the best in aerospace in 2004.

SOURCE: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/improvingflight/aerospace_laurels.html

More on synthetic vision systems here:

A movie showing synthetic vision systems applied in real flight:

Genghis the Engineer
4th Oct 2005, 23:46
Any idea who else won anything? It always interests me most to hear about the people and organisations you hadn't heard of - and probably don't have NASA's funding levels - who have won such awards.


8th Oct 2005, 23:36
Very true, I never thought about that :p

Unfortunately, this is the only awardee on whom I had information. The only other research I know of is under a research rant from FAA is a threat and eror management program developed at the university of Texas.

9th Oct 2005, 00:04
Jeez, You mean to tell me that US Government funded research actually benefits people/organizations other than Boeing? Do tell!!