View Full Version : Sumburgh SAR Incident?

29th Sep 2005, 16:42
Have heard a rumour that there was a nasty incident on a job last night, winchman and casualty suffering injuries?
Anyone heard anything???

30th Sep 2005, 07:30
Have heard this morning that although hospitalised initially winchman and cas are ok, good news and wishing them a speedy recovery.
AAIB due into Bristows base today!

30th Sep 2005, 19:14
I have editted this post at the request of my mate at Sumburgh,
I think angelonawire's post is the closest version of the truth.

To the injured crewman - all the best
To the unlucky Cas - get well soon

30th Sep 2005, 19:38

Them's dangerous words to be coming out with before any enquiry has been made. You've as good as condemned the crew on the word of somebody else, a mate or otherwise.
I'm bloody glad I didn't have a problem when you were around.......
Although PPRUNE is a rumour network, there are limits!

PS: I'm not taking sides here, just stating an opinion.

running in
30th Sep 2005, 19:39
SAR GOD, the name says it all!

From your post you seem to work for CHC in Ireland where the work is being re-tendered, so heaping abuse on the opposition even without knowing the facts could be commercially advantageous. Remember tales do "improve" with the telling.

If the incident is as you imply, then I am sure that the AAIB will be involved - you can't just keep them out.

Until the full facts are known, I suggest we act like professionals and not make accusations about our fellow aviators.

SAR GOD seems to have made a number of posts on the Jigsaw thread, all acerbic and just as thoughtless as his last post!

30th Sep 2005, 19:56
Working at Sumburgh I know just about all the crews of the coastguard helicopter. As the others have said I too believe that the comment by SARGOD are well over the top.
Give the guys a break. They do a fantastic job up here.
Let's wait for the outcome before any slanderous comments are made.

30th Sep 2005, 23:16

A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out his folly - Proverbs 12:23


1st Oct 2005, 09:35
QUOTE: "we have still have jobs in Eire boys if you don't end up on jigsaw".

Holy crap, hang on SARGOD, I'll put in my CV now as I can't wait to share a cockpit with someone as damn arrogant and cocky as you.....
Not a P2, but god help those poor bast#*ds that end up flying with you....
I presume you have never made any mistakes when flying(not that you PERSONALLY can recall anyway)...

Have you done anything else but SAR in your career to give you the right to say about crew changes(I presume N.Sea) in the conditions the guys up there face in the winter??

Do we KNOW the true facts yet? Were mistakes made? Maybe, but lets hear the AAIB report first before we start hanging our fellow aviators...Being in the same profession (SAR) I think we should try to act a little more professional....

No, I do not work for Bristows, I am however 99% sure who you are and believe me, people in greenhouses should not throw stones....

Lets show a bit more professionalism.......


1st Oct 2005, 09:47
For the record I DO fly SAR in Ireland, also for the record I DO NOT support any speculation made by persons on this board! SARGOD may or may not be in Ireland! I dunno!

May I just say that all the crews here simply pass on their best wishes to the winchman & casualty! We hope all are well & make a speedy recovery!

SAR is a dangerous beast, the last thing we need is internal fighting!

Safe Flying! :ok:

1st Oct 2005, 10:52
Firstly... Glad no-one was seriously hurt.

Secondly... don't know anything about this that i have not read here therfore i don't know anything about this.

Thirdly... Sargod - Such vitriolic pontification is neither useful nor fair. If there has been an incident such as you suggest, then those that need to know will know. Your input is clearly based on commercial competition and extreme arrogance. I think it's a little rich that you can make a post like that and then suggest that someone else has a CRM problem.

If i'm in the oggin i'll take a Bristow crew above one that you're in any day.

Grump over!

Have a nice day

Sailor Vee
1st Oct 2005, 10:52
Hear, Hear, ROOFUS, I'm just in a different base! We get the rain first!
I suspect that SARGOD isn't actually in Ireland, (leastwise, I hope not!)

As forwe have still have jobs in Eire I wouldn't be too sure about that fact, or your grammar!:E

Sailor Vee
1st Oct 2005, 11:30
I wouldn't say that any of the previous posters were 'doubters', as you put it, but, until proof is forthcoming, comments can only reply to what was, after all, speculation.

As you say, you appear to have been well looked after by the Man upstairs, certainly not by your driver. I, for one, wouldn't entertain any notion of 'straightening things out', he's dug the hole, let himself try and pull himself out of it!:(

1st Oct 2005, 11:39
angelonawire, glad to hear you're okay after reading the above. :ok:

To those who fly SAR, you have my respect. Having worked offshore for a number of years, not in a flying role, I have seen these guys in action many times now (watching them removing casualties from a couple of ships i've been on) in some real bad weather, and you can only admire the courage it must take to be there for others.

1st Oct 2005, 12:33

Perhaps AAIB wallahs read Pprune ... I sure hope so ..... from the sound of it ...its as close to being an (serious) accident as you might care to get!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

1st Oct 2005, 14:26

hope you get well soon, best wishes.

I don't think I could appear quite as calm as you seem to under the circumstances. I'm sure you should be able to instigate an AAIB investigation as this doesn't sound like an incident to me, personal injury and a/c damage was caused and therefore it should be classed as an accident.

I hope all turns out well for you and that a amicable solution comes your way.

I have the greatest respect for you SAR guys having had a small taste of it myself and have a number of mates in the Mil SAR world.

Once again best wishes and speedy recovery


1st Oct 2005, 14:35
To flyer43,running in, peterking, R1tamer, Fatigue, roofus, barndweller and sailor vee

I think that angelonawire has put everything on the line and is still very emotional after his near death experience.

For those who took offence at my first post then i would tell you i have never pulled a punch in my life, things are black and white and unfortunately the truth hurts , but not as much as being pulled/dragged through/over/around parts of a fishing boat.

The SAR role is dangerous but the whole crew should look after each other and not add to the problem. The life of the winchman should be your primary concern when he is on the wire, his life is in your hands.

To angelonawire, all the best , speedy recovery, I'll give you a ring when you are next on duty at sunny Sumburgh!!

running in
1st Oct 2005, 15:01

Best wishes and I hope you recover very soon.

SAR God,

I stick to my original point, posting second hand information, even if it is correct, is unprofessional when an enquiry is taking place. With CVR, FDR and possibly video the truth will come out, so why jump in and prejudice the investigation?

1st Oct 2005, 15:08
SARGOD, at the time you must appreciate that we only had your view on the incident which is why I sounded rather defensive. Having seen angelonawire's version I now apologise to you. Let's hope that something very very positive comes out of this. Angel, you know where I work at the airport. Please come across at sometime where I will apologise to you personally. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

1st Oct 2005, 15:19

I was never trying upset anyone, just trying to raise the interest levels and get the point across. Now angelonawire has said his piece i have editted my first post.
Credit to angelonawire for having the b**ls to speak out.
Lets hope this will never happen again.;)

1st Oct 2005, 18:07
Angel -glad you are OK and can tell this tale.

I presume that the AAIB will get invoved with this and also Health and Safety as there is a duty of care towards you from the company.

SAR is a specialised part of aviation and can bite you very quickly if you are not completely on top of the situation. I am surprised at the allegation that night deck training hadn't been done for some time. I know that the nights are short in the north during the months of May, June and July but that doesn't excuse not keeping your hand in.

I look forward to reading the AAIB report and learning something from it.


1st Oct 2005, 18:44

When starting this thread i didnt expect to hear it from the horses mouth!!!!!!!
Of course there are differing opinions as to what should be said and what should not regarding this incident (come on lets call it what it was, an ACCIDENT), but most worrying is the murmur that this particular P1 may have done something similar more than once, thankfully without the same consequences, and been allowed to continue as a SAR Captain without things at least being looked into.
Every Company has a duty of care etc and there should be procedures in place to address deviation from SOP's etc?

Angel, all SAR operators wish you a speedy recovery and the same to the young lad. I hope it doesnt put you off going back to flying as there are still plenty of excellent SAR people out there.


1st Oct 2005, 20:21

As you were there i thought it was best you tell the story, i took a few hits this morning from the usual crowd but people need to realise how dangerous this job is, you may be paid less but you take all the risks that don't need multipling by bad judgement/flying.
Hope your injuries?? heal soon.
you have my support and best wishes :ok:

1st Oct 2005, 21:35
Angel - Am horrified to read your story. Shocked, astounded are also words that spring to mind. Thank god you & the casualty made it through! Again, I wish you all the best & trust you'll soon be back doing the job. I must also pass on the best wishes of all the SAR crews here in Ireland.

SARGOD - You clearly mistook my post to mean I was in some way insulted by your post. I assure you that was not the case. I have had a crash, I have seen the damage speculation does to people. I merely stated that I didn't support speculation of any sort, & that included the speculation that you may be in Ireland.
I DO NOT support any speculation made by persons on this board! SARGOD may or may not be in Ireland! I dunno!

I agree with you, the truth hurts but so does speculation.


1st Oct 2005, 23:59
Mate, I'm just glad you're here to tell the tale. Get well soon fella. :ouch:

Check your pm's.

2nd Oct 2005, 00:37
Like some others, I was commenting on your posting second hand information. In particular before any enquiry had been started up. I still hold much the same opinion of your first post, but understand why you felt compelled to do so on reading angels story.
Having said that, perceptions and reality can sometimes be quite different, it all depends on which end of the wire you are on - if you can excuse the pun.
I certainly wish angel a speedy recovery and hope that something good will come of this very nearly tragic incident. There will no doubt be learning points for all somewhere - even if it is just to know who not to fly with when the chips are going to be down!

2nd Oct 2005, 10:13

Horrifying. Glad you are alright. Can understand why you are P!$$€d off - began my career down the back and have utmost admiration for the guys who still do it. Hope you can get back into it soon.


Stand by what i said though. You don't do an issue justice if you post second hand information in an aggressive manner. Had one of my mates just called me and told me that story i would have been furious too, however, i would not have allowed it to spill over into my post... It's not helpful.

Congrats to the rest of the crew. Takes big b@lls to take it off the other guy, even if you're a captain yourself - Well done Paul.

2nd Oct 2005, 10:34
Is this the once young Dave Ellis that crewed S-58T's centuries ago?

What Limits
2nd Oct 2005, 11:32

There is no reason that you could not put in the MOR yourself. That way, the authorities have to get involved. You may take some flack from your company but it may be the only way to bring people to account.

Just do it, it may save someones life.

2nd Oct 2005, 11:45
I am disgusted at the hysterical diatribe on this thread and I would not normally stoop so low to reply.


I am fully aware of the incident and the abuse is directed towards a very capable and experienced ex forces pilot who, as far as I am aware, always takes the safety of the winchman/casualty very seriously.

It was indeed a serious incident and the AAIB are being fully involved. You cannot pull the wool on the AAIB/CAA! Or the HUMS
Plus you own report direct to the CAA if you wish

The impression given in these posts is that he has wantonly abandoned the crewman/survivor’s safety for no good reason.

It concerns me that if there was a perceived lack of training or CRM in the run up to this incident then why it has not been addressed. Surely you cannot hoodwink the whole crewmen team into flying with someone who is persistently below standard year after year? Is that what you are saying?

My experience is that rear crew are not backward in coming forward if things are not going right either during training or before a winching task.

Surely we do dummy after dummy until its judged safe to winch.

It obviously went pear shaped on the lift and he did what was best at the time to save the aircraft and rest of the crew following some sort of problem.

I also know that the Pilot is big enough and ugly enough to take criticism directly as he has requested. Not foul mouthed hysterical abuse second hand.

If there is anything that we can all learn ( and I am sure there is) then lets here it, and if you must use this forum lets behave like professionals.

2nd Oct 2005, 12:16
"Stand by what i said though."
Good for you. Yours and the other posts criticising sargod's now edited post were justfied IMHO.
This is a public forum and such an unrestrained post condemning someone in such a vitriolic way based on second-hand information was way OTT.

Thank God angelonawire escaped as he did from what must have been a terrifying experience, but the fact is we've heard only one side at the moment.
The pilot's ID is known to some, and won't be too difficult for some others to find out.

Please bear in mind that the pilot isn't here to defend himself/ give his account of what happened.


2nd Oct 2005, 15:14
The impression given in these posts is that he has wantonly abandoned the crewman/survivor’s safety for no good reason.
If you read all through the thread, you will note that a larger number of contributors are concerned in the way in which the information was presented in the first instance, whether it is totally true or otherwise. Not knowing the pilot in question, although I probably will know him from old, I would like to think that he did not abandon the crewman/survivor's safety, but that there is something more to this whole incident than meets the eye of some of the chaps out there prepared to condemn him. Has anybody considered what a massive dose of the leans might do at the wrong moment for instance. Did the other pilot recognise the symptoms in time etc.........
Let's not prejudge the outcome of the inquiry and be thankful that it was not worse than it actually was.
As I said before, there will doubtlessly be lessons for all concerned from the inquiry.

2nd Oct 2005, 17:15
Flyer43, I thoroughly agree with you on this - I am glad that Angel is safe and well (and it is a reminder that most of the brave and dangerous stuff in SAR is done outside the aircraft) but it is clear that the incident is far from a 'fat useless pr**k abandoning the winchman and casualty'.

If a pilot is 'not happy' in the overhead then it is usually because he has insufficient references to maintain the hover and all the shouting in the world from the winch-op is not going to help. Departing the overhead at 40-60 kts sounds a lot like disorientation to me and it can happen to anyone.

I thought that Bristows used a version of what we call the polycon so that the winchman can hear the intercom even when on the deck - this would have let angel know it was not a good time to be on the hook.

Situations like this occur sometimes which is why we have a cable cut facility to prevent the winchman being badly injured if the aircraft moves due to engine failure or the like.

It may well be that angel is completely justified in his opinion of the pilot but while he is not on this forum to defend himself and an inquiry is underway it might be better to give him the benfit of the doubt rather than villifying him publicly.

2nd Oct 2005, 17:53
I'm a Bristow SAR pilot and I have to say that I have become increasingly alarmed as this thread has developed and I'm not surprised that the Moderator is getting a little twitched.........there have been a lot of good sensible comments but also some very misguided and unprofessional ones too.

Angelonawire, all I can say having read your contributions to this and other threads is that two key facts emerge:

1. You survived your recent incident/accident.

2. You are leaving Bristows to work for Bond.

and I for one am very pleased on both counts.


3rd Oct 2005, 05:37
We have met, and you seemed like a reasonable bloke so I'll give you some advice.

Rather than pre-judging, let the inquiry run it's course and play an active role in any debriefs (that means speaking to ALL of the crew concerned)

If you do that then other crews may benefit from your experience.


Sven Sixtoo
3rd Oct 2005, 08:25
Angel, very glad you are in one piece.

Changing tack from the debate about appropriate posting.

I'm curious about the reference to "ex-RAF pilots changing from aircraft to boat axis in the middle of a transfer".

If I have understood RAF SAR SOPs correctly, there are circumstances where we would change from boat to aircraft axis during a transfer (but only if we had lost sight, which shouldn't happen in a properly-planned evolution), but I can't see why we would do it the other way round. I am aware that the RAF use of boat axis, for standard decks only, is unusual (though not unique worldwide), but it does seem to work.
There may be a good learning point here. Are you and / or Mountainman able to share your view in more detail?


4th Oct 2005, 07:31
Angelonawire. Having read your account on the rescue i want to wish you a speedy recovery and some peace of mind after such an incredible incident. :sad:

All the boys are wishing you the best here.:ok:

4th Oct 2005, 10:33
Also knowing a few of the guys up at Sumburgh I have read this post with interest!

As an ex-military SAR pilot, with many a successful mission behind me, I have been out on the dark and stormy nights winching to small vessels with a member of the crew risking life and limb on the end of a small wire. The 'boat axis' one is a new one for me, we discussed the job as a crew and judged the situation dependant upon the conditions and task. I do feel however that if breakaway action is required, for whatever reason, then 50-60kts lateral motion seems, in my opinion, somewhat excessive.

I don't know the whole story so can only offer my opinions as I see them that, with a live wire the aircraft must be handled gently as the lives of the crew and the casualty are at risk. Even a potentially catastrophic failure should be called with 'cut cut cut' with both front and back going for the cutter. What I haven't seen is anything suggesting a mechanical problem leading to the breakaway or any other supporting evidence hence I don't feel that accusations should fly.

Angelonawire, I hope that you enjoy Bond, I've always found the crewies to be a fun, down to earth bunch and have always enjoyed the flying and the banter. To the rest, SAR is flying in the face of the storm. Very few people get themselves into such trouble when the suns shining and the weathers nice. So can we stop the mud slinging, we all know that we are far more professional than that.

Duck down and wait:E

Pat Gerard
4th Oct 2005, 12:24

I think you are wrong for posting what you posted, I would like to come and tell you myself, as I was invited in your post.

I shall be back at Scatsta on the 20th of October. I do not know who you are because you use a pseudo. I only know we work on the same island.You can contact me at Scatsta or at [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you


4th Oct 2005, 16:10
I truly sympathise with angel for the experience that he has suffered, and I wish him a speedy recovery. Life is too precious to waste, and the man on the wire places his in the hands of the rest of the crew on a regular basis.

However, having read ALL of the posts on this subject in their original forms, before any editing or removal was carried out, I would like to add one further definition of contempt to those quoted recently by angel;

The general view that, in my opinion, angel has for all pilots - contempt

Flying Lawyer
4th Oct 2005, 18:43

"I have now been threatened with confrontation from a scary scatsta pilot, I'm sure you can track me down...(bring some friends)"
That's a curious response. In several of the posts you've now deleted, you challenged anyone who disagreed with what you'd written to tell you to face to face.

I can understand you being upset after such a terrifying ordeal, whatever turns out to be the cause, but FWIW I think your wide-ranging personal attacks on the man on a public forum went way too far and I'm pleased you've deleted them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one wishing we could hear the pilot's account of this incident, but it may be he considers this forum isn't the appropriate place to give it. If so, I think he's right.

BTW, I've got no axe to grind. I have enormous respect for SAR crews - the guys down the back as well as pilots.

running in
4th Oct 2005, 19:58

Judging by your comments about

"why push it when the normal 24 hr duty is to start at 1pm go home at 9pm on a bleeper and put your feet up and come back in at 7am then knock off at 1pm for 24hrs, nice and cushy..."

You haven't read CAP 371.

I think you will find that the crews are obliged to go home at certain times and then have 24 hours off after a 24 hour duty - it isn't an option its a legal requirement.


Return to sender
4th Oct 2005, 20:58
Interesting thread this one and I’m glad to see that angelonawire has deleted his previous posts.

However, from his last posting it is obvious that despite his claims to the contrary he is extremely bitter and angry about the whole episode. In the circumstances maybe that is understandable.

He was, however, extremely unprofessional to post what he posted on this forum when there are several official routes he could have followed to express his grievances direct even to the CAA had he chosen to do so.

Instead he posted HIS version of what happened that night and acted as prosecutor, judge and jury. He incited a lynch mob mentality towards the pilot with quotes like “ Com’on boys what you think? Let the f**ker stew with it for the rest of his life”. His hatred towards the pilot was pretty horrific and extremely personal. Despite what he had been through he should never have made the remarks he did.

He now appears to be moving his anger towards Bristows by publishing his view of their procedures. I believe the SAR contracts are up for grabs and Bond are putting one of their jigsaw aircraft in Sumburgh.....

Anyway I’m glad he is recovering from the incident and I wish him all success with Bond. I hope he finds his SAR utopia there, but then again the grass is always greener….

4th Oct 2005, 21:27
The grass is NEVER greener, only less brown.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
4th Oct 2005, 22:28
Sad. I agree with Mountainman. There is a time and place for everything. And this may not be the right place at the right time. Angelonawire, what do you think now you've (hopefullly) calmed down ?

Best Wishes


5th Oct 2005, 06:57
The only grass that is greener is that fertilized with s**t.:}

5th Oct 2005, 15:39
I'm closing this thread at Angelonawire's request.

He regrets some things he wrote in the aftermath of the incident, and has asked me to pass on his apologies to all concerned.

Credit to him for being big enough to make the request IMHO, and I intend to respect his wishes.

I think the subject is better left until the result of the investigation into what happened but, if anyone disagrees strongly, feel free to e-mail me saying why you think the thread should be re-opened.

Angel's rather strong comments while still feeling emotional after his ordeal (regardless of whether anyone was to blame) are at least understandable. Comments by some others who rushed into print and made judgments are less understandable.

I've never understood why some pilots are so quick to criticise others even when they don't know all the facts - and I probably never will.
