View Full Version : Hullavington

Evil J
7th Sep 2005, 11:06
Does anyone know if it is possible to land at Hullavington?? Got friends nearby who I fly to visit now rather than drive when I can (1 hour airbourne or 3 hours on the M5 - no brainer really!!)- have traditionally landed at Kemble which is a great place, but just that little further; if it is possible to use Hullavington it would be really useful- anyone have any gen??

7th Sep 2005, 13:05
Evil J

My friend was based there until his death. I don't think he was raelly welcome but he got a hanger as his fee for doing the boxing club medicals.
If it is possible you will need to talk to the glider people who should be able to put you in touch with the base comander.

If you can cope with grass there is Oaksey park just south of Kemble 800M 22/04

Power Up
8th Sep 2005, 04:59
I have done before, but the airfield is owned by the Army (they were ok with me, but I think that was partly because I used to be part of one of the gliding schools, which are ATC VGS units). Speak to the G5 unit, seem to have lost the number, if you are going to land at the weekend, also speak to one of the schools - 625 or 621, you will need to ring before the head to the airfield, the brief used to be carried out around 0800hrs cet, so the would be in the hanger.

Hullavington is a good size airfield, but wasted with me as I arrived in a helicopter!

Evil J
8th Sep 2005, 07:36
thanks all who have replied, but Chilli has put me onto a strip nearby that fits the bill perfectly so I wont need to disturb the Army/VGS'