View Full Version : Lpc & Opc

30th Jul 2005, 14:49
Probably been done a few times before but can't find it ...so.

Can you tell me the requirements for the above, how long they last. Also AP & ATHR, particulary for the Bus.

31st Jul 2005, 16:39
Requirements are in the examiner's form which can be found here (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?categoryid=33&pagetype=65&applicationid=11&mode=detail&id=535).

LPC is valid for 12 months, OPC is 6 months. Unless by 'how long they last' you meant the time it takes to do them. 2-4 hours each is the answer in that case.

No idea what an AP or an ATHR is.

Have you tried downloading a copy of LASORS from the CAA website?

1st Aug 2005, 15:35
I'd guess AP is Auto Pilot and ATHR is Auto Throttle, but I'm not really sure what the question is?:confused:

1st Aug 2005, 21:10
Generally OPC can use AP and ATHR but LPC requires OEI approach, GA and landing to be manually flown.

Only other main difference between the 2 checks is the requirement for a SID /STAR on LPC.