View Full Version : Monarch, JUMPSEAT???????

29th Jul 2005, 22:54
Does anyone know what monarch are like for jumpseat, i am going on a charter with then to spain this christmas, e-mail me if u know anything [email protected]

TDK mk2
29th Jul 2005, 23:00
Are you Monarch staff with an airside pass? If not then it's rather unlikely. As a lowly captain with a BA franchise I can't even get one on BA, although they can with us I'm told. Funny old world isn't it...

30th Jul 2005, 03:42

Are you BACX? in which case you can. (PM me if you need the official doc)

If you ain't we can't use your jumpseats either, daft old world.


30th Jul 2005, 05:40
Uk regs state that jump seats may only be used for staff positioning to and from a duty, checks etc.

30th Jul 2005, 10:36
Out of interest, what was the offical regulation from the CAA for UK carriers prior 9/11?

30th Jul 2005, 11:03
Andy 15,

No chance... Sorry to dissapoint you, but as said, unless your working for the company and positioning BEFORE a duty than the rules allow it, otherwise it aint gonna happen.

And I've got first hand experience, I spend my time mostly up the pointy bit, and took my girlfriend for an aircrew invite, but she didn't see me in action!
It's a bl:mad: dy shame that the closest my girlfriend is ever gonna be to seeing me at work is from behind a bulletproof door!!!
Some people just have to spoil all the fun for everyone else in the world.
F:mad: ing 9/11 W:mad: nkers


30th Jul 2005, 11:54
In other EU states, namely France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands etc. the authorities take a more intelligent view on things. Quite simply, it's the Captain's decision who rides on the jumpseat.

This is denied in the UK for the following and other reasons:

"A jumpseat passenger increases the number of times the flightdeck door is opened due to physiological visits"

- false as these can be synchronised with necessary deliveries of food and beverages. On my machine there is a flightdeck toilet anyway. A jumpseat passenger is another barrier between us and the bad guys, I'd like to see them get past my missus!

"If partners were allowed this would open up the possibility of a terrorist becoming involved with a pilot in order to gain access"

- another spin on a "sleeper" I guess but likely?? The authorities were evidentally reasonably happy with wives but negated the whole lot for PC reasons.

My airline (BA) allows pilots and cabin crew from BA and BACX to occupy a jumpseat if no seat is available in the cabin whilst on duty and/or travelling to work. This is still at Captain's discretion.

Here's how daft the rules are and I am not being racist, just a realist:

If a Saudi or Pakistani male got a job tomorrow as cabin crew with a UK airline they would not require a criminal check. By the rules they could sit on the flightdeck but the Captain's wife could not.

I think the europeans have got it right.


30th Jul 2005, 13:03
How about using a cabin crew jumpseat? In most flights there is one or two available. Would that be allowed? how do you go about it?

30th Jul 2005, 14:27
These are a different kettle of fish. Again allocated to airline staff at the discretion of the Captain. Only stipulations in my airline are that jumpseats next to emergency exits can only be occupied by able-bodied people, min age 12 years.
It's always worth asking for the jumpseat even if you work for another outfit and let them know you are flight crew. Tend to favour SEP trained staff for obvious reasons although not strictly necessary.
