View Full Version : The effects of the bombs on aviation?

21st Jul 2005, 20:50
Will the recent london bombings impact on the aviation industry?

Will airline passenger no. reduce causing people to lose their jobs?

Could it have the similar effect to 9/11?

Any views are welcome.

21st Jul 2005, 21:14
This question was asked a fortnight ago...

The answer is still the same.


22nd Jul 2005, 05:35
As above.

22nd Jul 2005, 06:57
No we are not.

Concerned a bit maybe, that is natural, a bit more aware of what is around us, for sure, but will it stop us in our daily lives, No.

I think our cousins from over the pond are not so sure about coming here now according to the news, even though the rest of the world were told to visit there after 9/11.

I don' think this time round will have the same effect as 9/11, we have been there and moved on and are more determined - you will never stop air travel. There may be a few lighter loads but not for long.

When your time is up it is up, no point in worrying about it, live life to the full and enjoy :ok: :ok: :ok:


22nd Jul 2005, 07:04
I'm certainly not changing my plans to visit London! If we do that, the b@stards have won and I'm not about to let them win.

22nd Jul 2005, 10:09
Ironically, may be good for the domestic carriers. I was intending to travel on virgin trains from London to Manch next month but have booked a BA flight instead. Not much more expensive yet with all the security at Airports, safer...........hopefully!

Genghis the Engineer
22nd Jul 2005, 13:06
Unless I missed something, they blew up trains and busses, not aeroplanes.


22nd Jul 2005, 13:12
...and hit the tourism industry to the tune of £300m...

22nd Jul 2005, 13:33
About the only problem I can see, facing people like me who will still go to London as planned, is that Londoners are likely to be VERY nervous about anyone with a backpack. You know... like tourists! :eek: Like... me! :uhoh:

22nd Jul 2005, 13:42
Oz we can't be nervous about everyone with a rucksack - there were 8 in my tube carriage this morning !

And I don't see how anyone can say the aviation industry will be unaffected. Of course it will be affected. It won't be a 9-11 style effect, but in the same way that retail outlets in London are suffering, so too will airlines.
Nothing terminal or even very serious though.

Dave Gittins
22nd Jul 2005, 14:36
I was in the heart of it yesterday, leaving a meeting in my H/O at Kings Cross to get back to my site office in Kent at about 1.15. p.m. Apart from the minor inconvenience of having to a mile or two walk to Blackfriars as the tube was suspended and a few train stations were shut I thought how in hell can I be more careful and more aware ???? So I started to really look around

About 80% of people had a bag big enough to carry something unpleasant. Even commuters use rucksacks for laptops and files. About 50% of the people in the streets were of non-UK white caucasian origin, most were of middle eastern, west asian and south east asian ethnic origins. Lots were clearly tourists and most carrying or wheeling bags suitcases and/or rucksacks.

I am glad that despite the huge presence of emergency vehicles from all services, cordoned off streets and general confusion, there was no major concern or any discernible panic.

I for one intend to remain travelling by train and tube and won't be put off by the forces of evil.

I do not think there will be an effect on London or the UK unless some serious and prolonged series of attacks occurs - like Belfast in the seventies.

And people I knew who lived through that said it was nothing like as bad to live in as it was reported.

