View Full Version : P equipement on the flight plan

20th Jul 2005, 19:01
Yesterday I was looking at some BA flight plans and in the equipment field I saw for the first time the letter P.
I never saw that before and also in all my books there are no sign of P as an equipment.
Any idea what it means??

20th Jul 2005, 19:30
I think it means; transponder with mode S, transmits pressure alt but no aircraft ID, as opposed to "S", which transmits both. But I could be talking out of my green green grass.

Piltdown Man
22nd Jul 2005, 20:28
For transponders:

N = Nil

A = Transponder - Mode A (4 digit - 4096 codes)

C = Transponder - Mode A (4 digit - 4096 codes) AND MODE C (Encoding altimeter).

X = Transponder - Mode S without both aircraft identification and pressure-altitude transmission.

P = Transponder - Mode S, including pressure-altitude transmission, but with no aircraft identification.

I = Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification transmission, but no pressure-altitude info.

S = Transponder - Mode S, including both pressure-altitude and aircraft identification information

For just equipment by itself, P = Doppler.

25th Jul 2005, 13:09
The P are in the equipment field and not in the transponder field.
So should be the doppler but it look line strange onboard the 777 and the A320.
I'm thinking that it can be a bug in the flight planning system that insert the mode S in the equipment instead of in the transponder field.