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3rd Sep 2001, 01:03
cabin crew friend of mine asked if i knew of any gay engineers and how are they percicieved in what can be a very homophobic environment, i no of none at man what about you?

3rd Sep 2001, 01:52
No, I know of no happy Engineers at all, we are a very sad lot........

;) :rolleyes: :eek: :D

Ali Crom
3rd Sep 2001, 02:42
I did hear that BA have a couple of transvestites in engineering at LHR, one of which changed his/her/its name to Gloria. I've not had the pleasure of seeing either of them yet but somehow the image of Les Dawson in drag springs to mind.
Not forgetting Britannia have a gay engineer as well. Isn't that right Golden Rivet? ( by your own admission need I remind ). ;)

3rd Sep 2001, 12:07
Do Britannia have a homosexual engineer? If they do, then he is being very guarded about it as I have worked for Brtis for nearly 12 years and none of the LTN hangar or line blokes have, fortunately, shown any signs of being bent.

However, a few years ago, one of the apprentices had a run in with a cop in disguise in a local public toilet, and it was suggested that he could bring Britannias' good name into disrepute, so he 'left'.

I feel that as aircraft maintenance can be a hostile, unforgiving environment, then anyone who doesn't conform to what is expected of them could be given a very rough time. Keep the ******s out, that is what I say!

3rd Sep 2001, 13:46
Why was your cabin crew "friend" asking?
Fancy a bit o rough all bulging lallies and thules like oaks(Julian and Sandy,Round the Horne).
Anyway it's not exactly the profession to bloom and flower in.
Now trannies that's another matter as I'm always hearing guys saying they can't wait to get home to rip the missus knickers off.
(why do they wear em?)
Then there was one supervisor in maint. control on permy nights.His wife and family had left him in a zombie lke existence.He used to wear stilettos and they used to cripple him.He said the only pleasure left in his life was when he got home and kicked em off! :cool: :p :rolleyes:

3rd Sep 2001, 16:15
"However, a few years ago, one of the apprentices had a run in with a cop in disguise in a local public toilet, and it was suggested that he could bring Britannias' good name into disrepute, so he 'left'."

I am confused. Who was in disguise, the apprentice or the cop?

Gay engineers? Give us a kiss and I'll tell you!! :D :p

Crashed & Burned
3rd Sep 2001, 19:08
Wasn't Bob Ayling's real name Roberta? Should of been!
I believe LGW has some as well. They say one in 5 men cross dress so what's the problem?

3rd Sep 2001, 19:53
Where did you get those statistics from Crashed? I know five good men and true. All manly chaps to the last and not one of them a cross dresser.
Anybody for a game of Rugger?

Tiff Tiff.....

3rd Sep 2001, 21:59
Thought I met one of those once, turned out he was just jolly.

3rd Sep 2001, 22:37
Having bummed around the world a bit (Sorry about the pun, but well..)I can't say I have met any engineers that 'lick the stamp on the other side' one notable exeption being in my service days where one of our heli engineers was caught in flagrente delicto in a public toilet in Swindon, Tesco carrier bags and all. But there is a heli company that has a genetically modified pilot. :eek:

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: shytalk ]

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: shytalk ]

3rd Sep 2001, 23:09
I once worked with/alondside a fully 'outed' shirtlifter in Saudi Arabia. There was a bit of friendly banter around the flight line when he was on shift i can tell you , but i can honestly say he was a very nice chap with a good sense of humour,didn't ever try it on with anybody ( not that i know of any way), what more can i say. Being the father of three children it is a constant worry in this day and age of knowing how they are going to turn out, and hopefully guiding them in the right direction in all manner of things., one thing i can tell you though is that if my lad did 'turn to the pink side' he'd still be my lad and i'd still love him, however disappointed i was . Live and let live I say.

3rd Sep 2001, 23:27
Worked with a guy in the RAF who came 'out 'to his friends,top bloke,good eng'& his sexuality was never an issue.

Tnuoc Alucard
4th Sep 2001, 00:09
We work with an LAE that is Gay, and you would not believe it was true. He arrived as a fitter and worked hard to become an LAE. He is one of the better LAes we have too.
No real bigots amongst us either, if there are they must be very quiet about it.

Kwik Phix , your written words are exactly as I feel now I have Kids too, there are far more worse things that our kids could do than fallling for some one of the same sex

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: Tnuoc Alucard ]

near enuf is good enuf
4th Sep 2001, 01:58

I am also confused " Brittania's good name " ??????? ;)

4th Sep 2001, 11:51
To clear up any confusion:-

Cop was in disguise (plain clothed policemen = CID = cop in disguise)

'Britannias' good name':- Britannia did have a good name some years ago if you remember, and the incident did happen a good few years ago.

To clarify, shortly after I started working at Brits I was at a birthday party. When asked how I liked my new job at Brits, a complete stranger told me how much he and his family enjoied flying with Brits and that they wouldm't consider flying with anyone else. I haven't seen them since, but I think that in this day and age, they might change their tune.

4th Sep 2001, 22:39
I see in the holiday brochures that Britannia is the most punctual airline of the charterers. If this is the case why shouldn't Britannia still be good or are you purely talking from an engineers viewpoint not the punters who actually fly on the a/c?
What do you think of the new 'gay' smile!

5th Sep 2001, 02:16
Sort of related story:
I was reading a thread on mil aircrew from a guy called 'sad git with camcorder' this jogged my memory. In about 1997/8 there was yet another deviant supervisor on the Line in Saudi Arabia, who, whilst on leave in the UK (scotland Forres/inverness area) was arrested with a camcorder in a carrier bag filming up ladies skirts in supermarkets! It was in the papers aswell, he even had the nerve to come back to work- and we where told not to mention anything about it! Sicko or what?

5th Sep 2001, 03:07
Hows about BA (& BCal) at LGW:
>The hangar 5 ladies bogs boroscope inspection team.
>Shorthaul's 'B' shift blackmailer.
>Gay Bob (BCal DC10 majors)
>'Busby' the obscene phone caller (BCal DC10 or 1-11 majors, can't remember)
>The 747 'lower 41 pervert' (used the cabin floor access hatch safety cover for a quick peek-a-boo). Did his identity ever come to light?
All just rumours that I heard of course......

P.S. Monarch at LGW have their own rather 'unique' bloke as well, so they say.

5th Sep 2001, 13:23

It is not just the on time departuer that make up a good operation. but cabin staff that give a damn, seat pitch, clean aricraft, etc. that which travelling public notice. As for engineering, Brits are still a well maintained fleet with a limited number of 'B' defects that some of our competitors can only envy. But enough said on that point.

Back to the subject; engineering is not usually the place for those genetically disposed to packing fudge, I am glad to say, and long may it stay so.

5th Sep 2001, 14:04
I think that you will find the hangars full of the ******s. Joking apart, statistically speaking, there are bound to be a few. I also believe that there may be a few heteosexuals in engineering !!!!!!!

5th Sep 2001, 14:09
Hey WenWe,

Thought "Gay Engineers"would invite comment from you!

Who is the alleged suspect @ MAEL LGW?

;) :D

[ 05 September 2001: Message edited by: Bus429 ]

5th Sep 2001, 14:16
Obviously I meant HETEROSEXUAL in the posting above.

BUS Shouldn't that be...@MALE LGW ?

just hit it
5th Sep 2001, 17:40
just because jetfuel is paranoid ,doesn,t mean that no ones winking at him.

6th Sep 2001, 07:12
I thought all airlines had a large section of gays,they are also known as the avionics section.

6th Sep 2001, 08:31
Hello Rightstuff - how is it going? I often wondered what you were up to when you went shopping! :p

6th Sep 2001, 20:22
About 8 years ago working supervising a crew of approx. 20 mechanics, as a Lead, there was a gay man employed within our company that was continuously being shuffled around from one crew to the next due to mixed feelings about his sexual preference. Feeling sorry for the man I volunteered to pick him up on my crew. Having a reputation at that time as being the “Hit Man”, meaning that all of the troublemakers eventually ended up on my crew, either to get with the program or get out the door. Leaving all personalities aside I gave the guy a fair shake, and in return he gave me 100% at the job. Much to my surprise he was by far the best mechanic I ever had on my crew, after 9 months I promoted him to alternate lead to fill my place when on vacation or rotation came around. Only to be accused by other applicants of being “Gay” myself, for not choosing them for the promotion. Homophobia is prominent in this industry but in my opinion if a man can carry his weight and perform a job to my expectations I could care less who or what he does with his personal time.

6th Sep 2001, 21:47
Hey rightstuff, just because we're called fairies does not mean we act like fairies,
I know lots of avionic guys with deep voices,crew cuts,like football an' stuff, well 3 anyway. You're only jealous cos we get furthar than page 3 in the Sun AND can do the crossword!!!!!!!!! :D :D

[ 06 September 2001: Message edited by: shytalk ]

6th Sep 2001, 23:16
Shytalk,I suppose you'll be claiming next that you don't drag your knuckles along the ground when you walk like the senior trades.
Thought I'd get that in before the avio's jump on it.
Bus have you still got that lime green handled Snap-on screwdriver,or was it pink.I know they were quite popular amongst the avionic techs at your previous company.
I rest my case!!!

7th Sep 2001, 12:44
Hay Dragon, you say that you gave this homosexual guy a 'fair shake'. Sounds a bit dubious to me!

BTW I am not paranoid, but if you ever consider that natutes purpose of sex is reproduction. and that the dung funnel is for defication, then what homosexual men do is actually against the laws of nature. I have met a few people who have been homosexual in my time, but what they do in the privicy of their own lives is their business; just as long as someone at the first introduction does not tell me of their suxual preferance, or dress up like Boy George, then that is all right with me. But usually, engineering is not the sort of career that attracts homosexuals. Note that at no point have I refered to them as 'Gay'.

8th Sep 2001, 14:24
I've got a deep voice, I'm avionics and I'm not gay anymore! :D

Still got the green-handled screw driver, rightstuff. :p

10th Sep 2001, 17:11
The reason us avio's have our nice coloured scewdrivers is, if we happen to put it down we can find it again amongst all the crud, oil ,rags. locking wire & bloodstains you 'senior trades' seem to leave over the hanger floor. So There. :)

16th Sep 2001, 02:57
All of the above...."GROW UP!"