View Full Version : Result of Korean Strike

Tonto Kowalski
13th Jun 2001, 18:56
Just heard on CNN that part of the result of the industrial action being taken by the Korean national pilots at KAL, is that the company has agreed to freeze the present number of foreign pilots employed, followed by a reduction of numbers within a specified time. Good news for safety at the airline!?!

13th Jun 2001, 21:53
Is that what the strike is about? Pilots tend not to go on strike without a pretty good reason. Any chance of hearing fom someone employed there what the story is?

14th Jun 2001, 05:06
If foreign pilots reduced (or eliminated entirely) suspect that Catagory II for Korea cannot be far behind.

14th Jun 2001, 05:34
Imagine if you were to be one of the dastardly alien pilots flying for KAL. How would you now handle dealing with a Korean FO who has put his job, his company and the stability of the country on the line just to stick it to YOU!
"Ok, Mister Kim, you may have this sector!"-NOT.