View Full Version : Wsss Atis

7th Jun 2005, 07:49
Hi all,

For those of you who fly into WSSS (Singapore Changi), do you understand what's on their ATIS these days? It seems to me that there's a closure on EP (runway 20C/02C), it says E8 and E9 is close, Taxiway EP between E7 and E10 is closed due WIP.

How would you interpret this information? E7 and E10 is closed as well? And when we land on Runway 20C, we'll have to either vacate by E6 or back-track on the runway to clear?

What do you all think? It's time they do something about it and stop confusing us..

7th Jun 2005, 20:57
Yes, it can be confusing. My understanding is that you can vacate 20C via E7 because taxiway E7 isn't closed, only the junction is. There is an acute right turn you take onto EP which is not closed. If you happen to roll past E7 then you will have to backtrack the runway. In saying that, usually they have segregated parallel ops so all landings will be on 20R and take-offs on 20C so it doesn't become an issue unless you are taking off and reject on 20C.