View Full Version : Flt Scools in YVR

Left Wing
5th Jun 2005, 12:56
Any good flt Schools in Vabncouver / BC area, for pro pilot training till ATPL.


6th Jun 2005, 09:56
Try canadian flight centre at zbb (boundary bay) they have a fleet of about 10 or 11 aircraft, mostly pipers with a 172 thrown in for good measure. They are pros at the canadian ifr stuff....


Left Wing
6th Jun 2005, 10:54
any website pls cheers!

8th Jun 2005, 17:51
Try www.proifr.com Cheers:ok:

12th Jun 2005, 23:46
I can Recomend

Pro IFR at ZBB

23rd Jun 2005, 14:05
I cannot recommend PROIFR! You will spend a fortune there and be aware of the hidden costs such as the "I'll show you around the duchess" $70.00 later...or "That would have been a pass if it was your check but lets do some more sims". The manuals are old and out of date photocopies. Twice I had instructors show up an hour late including the Chief Pilot. But hey the coffee was free... I think? Anyone else had the pleasure or not?
P.S. Even the owner asked me to drive him home!

McDoo the Irish Navigator
24th Jun 2005, 21:13

This is part of the reason that PPRUNE has an advertising ban.
One guys says one thing, another guy says another and pretty soon its a flaming match.
I'm sure that endorsing one company over another as a place to do business would be interpreted as advertising.
For example...I can say...
" Nova Scotia wine gets better and better all the time" but I can't say..." The 2003 Dechaunac from the Gaspereau Winery, just down the hill from my fiance's grandmother's house is one of the best yet"
Perhaps the best thing to do when asking for recomendations, is to solicit your responses by PM.

Aloyiuos H. McDoo

Left Wing
25th Jun 2005, 09:06
McDoo, I agree slagging match is wrong, but if all the info is on PMs how we all share the info thats out there and may be even help some one out in the process.

So pls guys do give your valued opinions but keep it simple. Hope you agree Mr. McDoo.


McDoo the Irish Navigator
25th Jun 2005, 19:58
What more can I say?

PPRUNE has a strict policy against advertising and I'm pretty sure the recommending of one company over another falls into this category. I will have a reference for you by tomorrow ( as soon as I can find it)
In the meantime keep your endorsements off the board.


25th Jun 2005, 20:08
McDoo... Forgive me, I'm a relative newbie here, but it does seem you're being paranoid... Opinion on one school over another?... how does that differ from opinion of one airline over another, or one aircraft manufacturer over another, or one beer over another?

It's opinion, not advertising.

McDoo the Irish Navigator
25th Jun 2005, 21:45
Mr. 3 Hole lover;

Paranoid...perhaps a little. Have you read AVCANADA lately?..it's a disgrace to our profession and our nation. I haven't been to AEFORUM since they began to charge money, but if it's still what it was like last year when I left...see what I mean? Remember jetsgosucks.com?
At first it is seemingly innocent enough to offer one's opinion of a flight school or an airline, or aircraft manufacturer. But what happens if Robert Milton and Clive Beddoe decide to post up their respective opinion of their own airlines...advertise for themselves in effect....for free. Before long they'll be offering their thoughts on the other guys airline and pretty soon its a slugfest.
A very slippery slope indeed.
I implore everyone to help maintain the integrity of PPRUNE and consequently , our profession, by thinking about what they post and following the posting guidelines. (Which I will post right here as soon as I can find them)
PPRUNE has 100 000 members, it is large enough to be considered part of the infrastructure of the aviation community.
The press, politicians, passengers, lawyers and captains of industry come here when they need information you should be able to stand by what you say in front of these people.
Canadians are rightfully proud of their respect for the rule of law and the freedoms it allows us..please continue to act like Canadians here.
I will not allow the third world internet antics of other Canadian forums to occur here.

By the way...nice handle..I'm partial to the ones with three holes myself:ok:

Just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean no one is out to get you.

Aloyious H. McDooi

26th Jun 2005, 00:07
"In the meantime keep your opinions off the board."

Aloyious... or is it Adolf?

Where do I start? I think you need to relax a little. I see you are upset with the direction of AvCanada, fair enough, but don't go to the other extreme...

Is this not the Professional Pilots RUMOUR Network? "Started (because we) do not get to hear the usual type of gossip (and so) rumours could circulate..." "...where any news that may be of interest to pilots and which encompasses information or discussion that directly relates to our jobs... where anyone who is interested in training to become a professional pilot can ask their questions and get their answers... where anything not directly about professional flying gets discussed and fraudsters are exposed..."

This bothers me too... "PPRUNE has a strict policy against advertising"... fair enough but why then are they advertising the sale of adverts on the front page?

Anyway... The purpose of this forum is to share opinions and ideas, I agree flaming and arguing should not happen but come on... complete censorship of opinion? That takes it a little far.

By the way... for schools in the Vancouver area at CZBB here is my opinion... Take it with a grain of salt because what I see you may not... Also I would skip the ATPL seminars until you are ready to write your exams, otherwise you are just wasting your time... 1500 hours might be a ways away and you only have a year...

Good planes & facilities, eccentric owner who you either love or hate, a couple bucks more than some of the others...

Facilities and planes are few but quite friendly and their C-??? -------- is nice...

Overrun with BCIT kids who have yet to earn their PPL and already know it all. Management are @$$holes. Lots of planes and cheaper than the others if you buy the membership.

Too many instructors offers an inconsistent approach to training at the VFR levels. JM's IFR & ATPL seminars are good though and have a good reputation from most who have taken them.

New management at this location... A merger of ------- and ------.

Is that advertising? Those are my opinions and I am using them to answer the original poster's question.

McDoo the Irish Navigator
26th Jun 2005, 02:43
"In the meantime keep your opinions off the board."

Poorly worded on my part. I have changed the word "opinions" to "endorsements"

Mr. Altiplano;

Whether you like it or not, PPRUNE admin has a set of rules that they insist everyone adhere to. Endorsement of one company over another is interpreted as advertising.
You are correct, PPRUNE sells lots of advertising and it would not behoove the operators to give it away. Nothing is free..including a place to air your opinion. PPRUNE has control over who advertises and what they advertise.
No one is censoring your opinion...as a matter of fact, I've had a lot of patience around here,and apply the rules fairly without spouting my own opinion. Freedom of speech is sacred, but the forum is not a place to carry on business.
I am removing any reference to particular companies and leave you with a warning about profanity.

26th Jun 2005, 03:30
Left Wing - sorry man - not trying to hijack your thread but this has to be said...


I guess you showed us what you are... Inconsistent at best discriminatory at worst...

Here are some applicable sections of the policy for your reference...

"PPRuNe does not control contributions to the forums but reserves the right to delete, move, edit or close any contributions and to terminate your access to the forums."

Fair enough... But why would you do that? This is what the policy states...

"Although the administrators and moderators of PPRuNe Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author..."

Apparently not, my views aren't objectionable yet I've been editted... It goes on to state...

"In using the forums, you agree not to collect data on other users, or to publish messages that:

contain advertising or spam
promote goods and services
contain obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, unlawful, abusive, intimidating, libellous, indecent or illegal content or otherwise violative of any laws.
contain harmful viruses or code."

Did I do any of that? I never said go to flight school A don't go to B etc. I gave my opinion on the +'s & -'s of each school I had a thought on. You even went so far as to delete the mention of an aircraft model? Yet on an earlier post you leave a link to a flight school posted... You leave another post putting down the same school... Then you delete the reference in my post...

On the front page this is what it says... "where anyone who is interested in training to become a professional pilot can ask their questions and get their answers" Apparently not...

By the way - I have no affiliation and could care less where this guy goes... But I thought I could help by offering the opinion of someone who's been there...

Left Wing
26th Jun 2005, 05:00
McDoo the Irish Navigator,

Have you seen the Activeaerospace topic, now thats slagging and every one is against it. But come on what about sharing info.

If you give freedom people will respect it. :\ :\ :\

Left Coaster
26th Jun 2005, 05:04
The very fact that you call him "ADOLF" is reason enought to drop you from this thread, are you sure about what it implicates? Maybe you have a problem with a rule or two, that's fine... but to compare McDoo with one of the most evil men in history is going too far. I hope you are not from Canada....:(

26th Jun 2005, 05:57
Hi McDoo,

I believe I hear you... though Avcanada is improving in that regard and there's truly some beauty in that raw freedom of speech, ... The AEF is still top notch in my books... It's too bad you left - ...but hey!... :hmm: ...didn't we both just offer our opinions on a couple different forums?... It could get a litte silly, and pretty tricky to be on guard against that sort of a thing all the time.

And knowing how far it extends could be rather difficult? If what you and I just discussed (our opinions on various forums) is ok, but not flight schools, then where is the line drawn? Or is it simply negative opinions that are unwelcome?... in which case, PPRune wouldn't be the right place to come to find honest, balanced opinion at all, would it?

I do understand "no advertising". Completely. And my guess is that most people will know an ad from a man's opinion... (if they even saw it before it got zapped) ...if it's veiled enough to make it too hard to tell, then it hasn't done any harm, has it? at least, no more than any other rump waste we anonymous voices post.

....and then... there's this: " The press, politicians, passengers, lawyers and captains of industry come here when they need information you should be able to stand by what you say in front of these people."

I'm just feeling the waters here at PPRune... I haven't decided if I like this place yet... Mostly what determines that for me will be the people that post here... (which, by the way, in spite of the various phases of the moon and the occasional loonies, is what continues to make the AEF so top notch!)... so far, all I know is that it seems there are waaaaay too many individual forums in this place, ...some of the moderators in the "Rumors and News" area seem incredibly anal about moving things out of there if they think there's another place for what's posted there, even if it still qulaifies as news...there are a lot of pompous, big headed, full of themselves, "no idea what that was meant to convey" British lawyer types (I'm half limey so give me some lattitude) ... and today, I came across that message from you that seemed to be saying something rather ... uhhhh... well...?... stuffy.

I haven't a clue if I'll like the people here, but with 100,000 of 'em, I guess I'd have to say it's my problem if I didn't. It won't be the press, the hot dogs of industry, the lawyers, the Pilots, or the candle stick makers that keep me interested.... it'll be the buck naked, raw minds within.

That's all we get in text. No uniforms, no ties, no suits, no rank, no class distinction, no pretty faces, or braids, or epaulettes, or boardrooms.... a bagsmasher has the same voice as the CEO. The lawyer can be outwitted by the groomer.... and who's who anyway?

So I don't know what it's about yet... Rumor?

If that means I'm an odd man among those 100,000, then oh well... I can live with that... I'll stick to the AEF... We Canucks ain't like the Britts y'know. ;)

And I'll tell ya, ...you, the press, the Supreme El Capitano of the biggest industry there is, and all of OJ's lawyers combined... There's far more value in honesty than there is in pretense, and I'll stand by those words any day.

*** Come to think of it... the last time I saw you on the AEF weren't you advertising this forum? You were, you bugger! You posted a link a couple times trying to swing people this way.... Listen mate, the only reason this forum stays more popular is that most of these "blokes" never heard of aeforum.net :cool:

(can I say that? I need that green grinnin' toothy fella up there)



26th Jun 2005, 18:55
"you sure about what it implicates"

- LC. Yes, are you? I'm saying that the controlling and censorship of information is a horrible thing. The policy McDoo feels he is upholding is being applied inconsistently and incorrectly in my opinion. My post gets edited yet earlier on the thread the same school gets mentioned with even a link to their website... But my opinions are erased?

And want to talk about endorsements (or anti-endorsements) of products and services? Better get to work McDoo...








I don't know... They go on and on and on... That's just a few I found in about 2 minutes... All of them people giving their opinions (endorsing or otherwise) on schools or products or online shops to buy things at etc...

"I hope you are not from Canada"

LC- I am from Canada and I like to be able to voice my opinion. I appreciate the need for rules, but this is stupid. I hope you aren't from Canada or maybe you've just been away too long and forgot what it's supposed to be like.

McDoo the Irish Navigator
26th Jun 2005, 19:46
Mr. Altiplano:

I will try to address some of your concerns so that calm will prevail and you will see that your opinion is welcome and valued here, and that I am no tin-hat dictator.

Let me try to alleviate some of your concerns

---"I guess you showed us what you are... Inconsistent at best discriminatory at worst..."

Inconsistent.no...constantly vigilant...again no. I have a fascinating life, places to go and people to see and yes...things do slip by unnoticed. Some forums have multiple moderators....I'm the only guy here.

---"Apparently not, my views aren't objectionable yet I've been editted... It goes on to state...

"In using the forums, you agree not to collect data on other users, or to publish messages that:

contain advertising or spam
promote goods and services
contain obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, unlawful, abusive, intimidating, libellous, indecent or illegal content or otherwise violative of any laws.
contain harmful viruses or code."

Did I do any of that?"

I'm afraid so...No one, especially not me, ever said that your views were objectionable, with the exception of calling me Adolph.
You did however, promote a good or service and PPRUNE prohibits that.
You also used a colloquial term for the human anus to refer to management at one of the flying schools you mentioned. This word falls under the category of obscene or vulgar, or sexually orientated, depending on who you talk to.

Did you attend all five of those flight schools?

I noted with interest that the links you provided as a reference all came from forums other than the Canada forum. By all means pass along your concerns to the moderators of the forums in question.

I am now bowing out of the discussion. If you or any others wish to carry on...please start a new thread, as this one is now closed.