View Full Version : Vector routes from STARs into MAN

27th May 2005, 18:05
Very good eveing,

Just a quick Q,

do any of you at MAN ATC have any set vector routing from the STARS to the runways,

would be much appriciated,

Scott Waterworth

28th May 2005, 17:50
the simple answer to your question is that in most cases we can take you off the star before you reach the holding fix,if traffic levels allow,However to interface with the area sectors certain rules apply.
Landing 24 routing TNT Dayne, you will get turned right betwwen TNT and Dayne or be given a heading to fly after Dayne.
Inbound Rosun from the north you will either be given a heading off Rosun or turned left before you get to Rosun.
Inbond Rosun from the east you will either get a straight in approach or fly the star and we can turn you onto a base subject traffic.
Inbound Mersi you either get a heading of Mersi or turned downwind before you get there

06 arrivals , if inbound Dayne you will almost always go to Dayne due to the confliction with the Listo sid. With all other arrivals you can be taken off the star to fit you into the approach sequence the same if you where landing on 24.
This is quite a simplistic answer to your question but I hope it is beneficial

cessna l plate
28th May 2005, 18:32
Just out of idle curiosity, whereabouts are these points such as Mersi, TNT Dayne etc.

28th May 2005, 20:26
cessna plate
TNT is a VOR approx 3o miles SE of Manch ,Mersi Rosun ,Dayne are positions in the sky based on VOR radials and dme ranges from other VOR beacons namely Pole Hill and Wallasey. Dayne is overhead Buxton , Rosun is close to Bolton and Mersi is just NE of Wigan

Flying Torquewrench
28th May 2005, 22:47
Mersi = Mirsi ;)

cessna l plate
29th May 2005, 11:46
Thanks for that, just wondered.