View Full Version : cup final helo

19th May 2005, 12:43
Just a question. Each year a helicopter flies from a football pitch at TQ 159 779 carrying the Cup from Sky TV studios to Cardiff. This field is offset slightly right (but not by much) from the glidepath for a Rwy 27R touchdown at TQ 088 765. This is a distance of 3.9nm and aircraft on the glidepath are about 1240ft above ground level. Watch Soccer AM this Saturday at about noon and I betcha it will happen. Now how do they do that? Last year as I watched from the window of my digs it dam' near landed in the wrong place. I tell you Carruthers it might not frighten you but the last thing I want to see from the pointy end at the end of a long shift is a helo scuttling 500ft below me. Not whisking some poor blighter to hospital but whisking some overpaid ego and a tin cup. As I say just curious.